Bloomsburg University Academic Programs
Academic Catalog


Distribution Requirements – Group A (Humanities)

Thirty six (36) credits are required with 12 credits required from each of the three general academic areas of humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences and mathematics. No more than six credits from a given academic major may count toward this distribution requirement.

At most one course which an individual uses to satisfy the Specific Requirements in communication, quantitative/analytical reasoning or, values/ethics, may be used to satisfy distribution requirements in the Distribution Requirements Humanities (A), Social Sciences (B), or Natural Sciences and Mathematics (C). The Bloomsburg University Curriculum Committee (BUCC) or an individual academic department with the approval of the BUCC may exclude any of its courses from being counted as a distribution requirement.

Group A--Humanities, 12 Credits - Twelve credits from courses developing an understanding of approaches to gain knowledge in the humanities (Goal Five), creative interests in and appreciation of art, literature, music, and theater (Goal Six), knowledge of major contributions in the humanities (Goal Nine), and global awareness (Goal Ten). At least three different humanities departments must be represented in these 12 credits with two or more credits taken from each department selected. Humanities departments include Art, Communication Studies and Theatre Arts, English, History, Languages and Cultures, Mass Communications, Music, and Philosophy.

ART, ARTHSTRY, ARTSTDIO - Art and Art History

COMMSTUD - Communication Studies

ENGLISH - English

HISTORY - History


MASSCOMM - Mass Communications

MUSIC, THEATRE, DANCE - Music, Theatre & Dance

PHIL - Philosophy

In addition, these courses are eligible:

HONORS.101 Honors Humanities I

HONORS.201 Honors Humanities II

INTSTUDY.171 Scholars Seminar Humanities

INTSTUDY.491 Honors Independent Study Humanities I

INTSTUDY.492 Honors Seminar Humanities

INTSTUDY.493 Honors Independent Study Humanities II