Bloomsburg University Academic Programs
Academic Catalog


Specific Requirements - Fitness and Recreation Skills

Fitness and Recreation Skills (Goal Four) Two Credits

Two credits from the approved list of fitness and lifelong recreation skill courses.

Two credits of 61 - Aerospace Studies and 67 - Army Military Science may apply toward this requirement.

05.100 Basic Training

05.112 Varsity Athletics

05.113 Varsity Athletics II

05.114 Team Sports

05.115 Racquet Sports

05.116 Individual Sports

05.117 Beginning Jazz/Ballet

05.149 Aquatics - Begin Non-Swim

05.150 Beginning Aquatics

05.155 Swimnastics

05.217 Bicycling

05.220 Folk Dancing

05.224 Fitness Dance 05.250 Lifeguarding
05.226 Jogging / Walking05.270 Exercise and You
05.228 Gymnastics05.278 Yoga
05.230 Weight Training and Fitness 05.291 Hiking, Backpacking & Orienteering (2 credits only)
05.231 Archery05.309 Decisions for Healthy Behavior (1 credit only)
05.235 Riflery05.311 Methods, Materials in Elementary School Physical
05.240 Fitness-Slimnastics05.321 First Aid and Safety (1 credit only)
05.241 Combative Sports (2 credits)05.333 School Camping and Outdoor Ed
05.243 Backpacking 05.397 Adult Health Dev Program (1 credit only)
05.244 Orienteering 50.205 Intro to Nutrition (1 credit only)
05.247 Basic Rock Climbing