Bloomsburg University Academic Programs
Academic Catalog

General Education Requirements

Effective Spring, 2007


The College of Liberal Arts, College of Science and Technology, College of Business and College of Professional Studies at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania administer undergraduate curricula.

Each curriculum, leading to a baccalaureate degree, requires successful completion of at least 120 semester hours in the major, general education and free electives. This section deals with general education; requirements for each major are listed under department headings. While electives are unrestricted, it's helpful to consult with a faculty adviser.

When a student makes a tentative choice of a major, preliminary or prerequisite courses required in that major are assigned. Admission is selective or restrictive at the junior year entry level for some curricula. The university is not bound to admit the student if the student is not admissible according to the competition for available spaces or other selective criteria.

Students who plan to major in two departments must have a major adviser in each department and meet all of the major requirements of each department and all of the general education requirements. Double majors in some departments may require more than the minimum 120 semester hours for graduation. Double majors in departments in two colleges must have the permission of both college deans to declare a double major.

Credit, Semester Hour

A semester hour, or credit, is ordinarily defined as the credit for one weekly period of 50 minutes of lecture, discussion or recitation for one semester. In some cases as in laboratory, studio or internship, there may not be a one-to-one correspondence between experimental time and credit.

Distribution Requirements

The general education program includes specific course requirements totaling 17 credits, distribution requirements totaling 36 credits and a diversity requirement of two courses. The goals of the general education program are to develop:

Additional Information

Questions regarding general education requirements may be directed to your academic adviser or to the Registrar.