Bloomsburg University Academic Programs
Academic Catalog

Minor in Archaeology

Administered by Department of Anthropology

Effective Fall, 2014

Please note: students majoring in anthropology can use no more than 6 credits toward both their anthropology major and the archaeology minor.

Required MINOR courses (6 courses, 23 credits):

ANTHRO.210 Prehistoric Archaeology

ANTHRO.220 Human Origins

ANTHRO.300 Arch Method and Theory

ANTHRO.301 Field Archaeology*

Non-Anthropology Courses (Please note that EGGS.120 is a prereq for EGGS.260 and must be taken first).

EGGS.120 Physical Geology

EGGS.260 Earth Materials

Other recommended courses which, depending upon student's interest and focus, can enhance their proficiency in specializations within archaeology:

ANTHRO.221 Forensic Anthropology ANTHRO.380 Men and Women

ANTHRO.240 Native North America ANTHRO.312 South American Arch

ANTHRO.250 Neanderthals ANTHRO.311 Arch of NE North America

ANTHRO.310 Aztecs and Mayans

Various Earthsciences/Biology/Geography courses, such as: (please check for course prereqs)

EGGS.130 Historical Geology

EGGS.265 Geomorphology BIOLOGY.200 Dendrology

EGGS.320 Remote Sensing BIOLOGY.252 Field Zoology

EGGS.368 Stratigraphy and Sedimentation BIOLOGY.263 Field Botany

EGGS.360 Principles of GIS 1 BIOLOGY.351 Ecology

EGGS.242 Map Use and Analysis

Various Art History courses dependent upon student interest:

ARTHSTRY.450 Perspectives on Museums Regional Geography Courses

ARTHSTRY.451 Museum Exhibition Regional/Era History Courses

*or equivalent field program/field school/research through another university or institution ANTHRO.301