Political Science (B.A.)
Administered by Department of Political Science
Effective Winter 2018
As per PRP3604: All students earning a first baccalaureate degree will take at least 30 of their last 45 credits at Bloomsburg University, no more credits are required than the 30 credits. All first baccalaureate students will take at least 50% of credits required for the Major from a PASSHE university. Bloomsburg University may require up to a maximum of 50% of the Major credits. Program exceptions to the policy are to be approved by the Office of the Chancellor.
A total of 39 semester hours are required for a major in political science; the balance of the university's 120-semester hour requirement for a bachelor's degree come from general education courses and free elective courses.
Core courses (12 credits)
- Complete all 4 courses
- No prerequisites
- Must earn C grade or better for course to count toward major
POLISCI.108 Contemporary Political Ideologies
POLISCI.120 U.S. Government
POLISCI.260 Intro to Comparative Politics
POLISCI.280 Intro to International Relations
Methods (3 credits)
- Complete POLISCI 300
- Must earn C grade or better for course to count toward major
- Complete university math course with MATH designation
- Complete POLISCI 120, POLISCI 260, POLISCI 280 with grade of C or better; or by permission of the Chair.
POLISCI.300 Political Science Research
Advanced (15 credits)
- Complete 1 course from each of the 5 areas
- Must complete core course in same subfield (e.g. POLISCI 120 needed before taking advanced course in U.S. Government)
- POLISCI 300 must be either completed before or taken concurrently with any advanced course.
- In lieu of these prerequisites, a student may gain permission from the instructor.
Political Theory (Pre-req. 108)
- POLISCI.377 Feminist Political Theory
- POLISCI.405 Development of Political Thought
- POLISCI.409 American Political Thought
- POLISCI.492 Seminar – Government and Politics
U.S. Politics (Pre-req. 120)
- POLISCI.326 Parties Groups and Public Opinion
- POLISCI.429 Racism/Sexism Am Politics
- POLISCI.440 President and Congress
- POLISCI.452 State and Local Government
- POLISCI.456 Public Policy
- POLISCI.492 Seminar – Government and Politics
Comparative (Pre-req. 260)
- POLISCI.310 Government and Politics of China
- POLISCI.322 Political Violence
- POLISCI.340 Politics of Immigration
- POLISCI.345 Democratization and Regime Change
- POLISCI.366 European Politics
- POLISCI.368 Asian Politics
- POLISCI.371 African Politics
- POLISCI.376 Government and Politics of the Middle East
- POLISCI.492 Seminar – Government and Politics
International Relations (Pre-req. 280)
- POLISCI.350 Globalization and the United Nations
- POLISCI.458 US Foreign Policy
- POLISCI.462 Information Technology and World Politics
- POLISCI.466 International Relations in the Asia Pacific
- POLISCI.487 International Law and Organizations
- POLISCI.492 Seminar – Government and Politics
Public Administration/Legal Studies (Pre-req. 120)
- POLISCI.307 Ethics in Politics and Public Policy
- POLISCI.336 Public Administration Theory
- POLISCI.437 Public Administration Application
- POLISCI.438 Public Personnel Administration
- POLISCI.446 Constitutional Law 1
- POLISCI.447 Constitutional Law 2
- POLISCI.448 The Judicial Process
- POLISCI.492 Seminar – Government and Politics
Concentrations (6 credits)
- Complete 2 courses in one of the following 5 areas
- Must complete core course and advanced courses in related subfields
- In lieu of these prerequisites, a student may gain permission from the instructor.
U.S. Politics:
- POLISCI.326 Parties Groups and Public Opinion
- POLISCI.429 Racism/Sexism Am Politics
- POLISCI.440 President and Congress
- POLISCI.452 State and Local Government
- POLISCI.456 Public Policy
- POLISCI.492 Seminar – Government and Politics
International Studies:
- POLISCI.310 Government and Politics of China
- POLISCI.322 Political Violence
- POLISCI.340 Politics of Immigration
- POLISCI.345 Democratization and Regime Change
- POLISCI.350 Globalization and the United Nations
- POLISCI.366 European Politics
- POLISCI.368 Asian Politics
- POLISCI.371 African Politics
- POLISCI.376 Government and Politics of the Middle East
- POLISCI.458 US Foreign Policy
- POLISCI.462 Information Technology and World Politics
- POLISCI.466 International Relations in the Asian Pacific
- POLISCI.487 International Law and Organizations
- POLISCI.492 Seminar – Government and Politics
Public Administration:
- POLISCI.307 Ethics in Politics and Public Policy
- POLISCI.336 Public Administration Theory
- POLISCI.437 Public Administration Application
- POLISCI.438 Public Personnel Administration
- POLISCI.456 Public Policy
- POLISCI.492 Seminar – Government and Politics
- Legal Studies:
- POLISCI.446 Constitutional Law I
- POLISCI.447 Constitutional Law II
- POLISCI.448 Judicial Process
- POLISCI.487 International Law and Organizations
- POLISCI.492 Seminar – Government and Politics
- Free Electives: Any 2 courses from the above lists
Capstone Experience (3 credits)
Complete 1 course listed below
Completion of all core courses, POLISCI 300, and a minimum of 4 out of 7 advanced/elective courses. The latter requirement may be waived by permission of the chair.
Internship minimum of 2.0 cumulative GPA or at the discretion of the chair; gain permission from academic advisor and campus Director of Academic Internships; complete at least 60 credit hours, or by permission of the department chair.
- POLISCI.480 Political Science Capstone
- POLISCI.497 Internship Political Science
Courses that do not count toward the major: POLISCI 101, 121, 181
Courses such as POLISCI 456 and POLISCI 487 cannot be counted twice.