Administered by Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance
Effective Fall 2017
The Minor in Dance program consists of 21 credits which cover a broad range of topics aimed at developing technique, exploring the history of the form, expanding performance skills, exploring multi-cultural forms, and practicing the craft of dancemaking. The program seeks to instill students with knowledge of current and contemporary practices and philosophies within the field, while revealing potential career possibilities both directly and indirectly related to the art form itself. Through analytical, critical, physical, artistic and practical experiences, students will digest a broad view of dance, while having the ability to select electives appropriate to their direct interests and/or area of major studies.
Required Courses: (6 total credits)
DANCE.111 Dance History Topics
DANCE.224 Choreography I
Choose 3 technique courses: (8 to 9 total credits required)
DANCE.221 Ballet II
DANCE.222 Modern I/II
DANCE.223 Jazz II
DANCE.117 Beginning Jazz & Ballet
Options: Choose 6 credits from the lists below: (Include Repertory and/or Ensemble)
(Note: Select 7 credits below if taking DANCE.117 above for 2 credits.)
BIOLOGY.173 Anatomy & Physiology (Note: BIOLOGY.173, BIOLOGY.174 & PHYSICS.111 are prerequisites for EXERCISE.351)
BIOLOGY.205 Introduction to Nutrition
*DANCE.228 Ensemble (credit requires approved faculty mentored project)
*DANCE.229 Repertory (May be Repeated for Credit)
DANCE.290 Special Topics: May include Tap, Improvisation, African Dance or Other
EXERCISE.270 Exercise and You
EXERCISE.351 Kinesiology
THEATRE.200 Voice & Movement
THEATRE.112 Fundamentals of Acting
*Students must enroll at least once in either Repertory or Ensemble. Ensemble does not have to be taken for credit to satisfy the requirement, and it may be repeated.