Administered by Department of Environmental, Geographical, and Geological Sciences
Effective Spring 2014
EGGS.100 Environmental Science
EGGS.120 Physical Geology
EGGS.242 Map Use and Analysis
CHEM.115 Chemistry for Sciences I
CHEM.116 Chemistry for Sciences II
PHYSICS.201 Introductory Physics I
PHYSICS.202 Introductory Physics II
Choose 2 of the following three courses:
EGGS.150 Quantitative Methods in Earth Science
MATH.123 Essentials of Calculus
MATH.141 Introduction to Statistics
EGGS.130 Historical Geology
EGGS.261 Mineralogy
EGGS.262 Petrology
EGGS.265 Geomorphology
EGGS.360 Principles of GIS I
EGGS.368 Stratigraphy and Sedimentation
EGGS.369 Structural Geology
EGGS.451 Field Techniques
*EGGS.320 Remote Sensing
EGGS.330 Special Topics in Field Geology
EGGS.365 Paleontology
EGGS.390 Special Topics
EGGS.420 Planetary Science
EGGS.460 Aqueous Geochemistry
EGGS.470 Groundwater Hydrology
EGGS.480 Applied Geophysics
*Cannot use if also getting GIS minor