Administered by: Department of Music
Effective: Fall 2014
The State Board of Education adopted changes that affect all of Pennsylvania's instructional and educational specialist programs by adding 9 credits or 270 hours or equivalent combination for adaptations and accommodations for diverse students in an inclusive setting and three credits or 90 hours or equivalent combination to meet the instructional needs of English Language Learners. Although these regulatory changes became effective on September 22, 2007, the PA Department of Education has not yet developed final requirements for colleges/universities to follow. Therefore, additional program requirements will be developed and incorporated into your certification program to comply with new regulations for certifying teachers that become effective on January 1, 2013.
In addition to 40 credits of general education requirements and the 42 credits of requirements of the major, students are required to take 47 credits of professional teacher courses to complete the 129-credit requirement for a Bachelor of Arts degree.
Students with a concentration in Music Education Certification K-12 will:
The culmination of the Music Education Certification, K-12 track is one semester of student teaching experience. Because the certification is K-12, the student teaching experience will include both elementary and secondary assignments. The student will be evaluated by the cooperating teacher and the university supervisor.
Music majors are required to complete a checklist each semester with their advisor and keep it in their file. At graduation the advisor will sign that it is completed and forward it to the chair for signature. The student will give the chair the "Application for Graduation" by February 1 for May graduation, by March 1 for summer graduation and by October 1 for December graduation. The advisor and the student need to complete this before those dates.
All music majors are required to keep a portfolio and have it checked each semester by their advisor. All music majors have a recital attendance requirement and a sophomore and senior exam. Information is found in the music major policy packet.
MUSIC.250 Diatonic Harmony
MUSIC.249 Aural Skills 1 (taken concurrently w/MUSIC.250)
MUSIC.260 Chromatic Harmony
MUSIC.259 Aural Skills 2 (taken concurrently w/MUSIC.260)
MUSIC.380 Advanced Harmony
MUSIC.379 Aural Skills 3 (taken concurrently w/MUSIC.380)
MUSIC.390 Modern Harmony
MUSIC.411 Orchestration
MUSIC.105 Music Literature
MUSIC.321 Music History - to 1750
MUSIC.322 Music History 1750 to present
MUSIC.102 World Music
Seven semesters (ten credits) of applied instruction on the same instrument. Before student teaching, during the seventh semester of applied study, in the senior year, Music Education majors must perform a half hour recital on the same instrument chosen for seven semesters of applied instruction.
Ten ensembles (five credits). Must be in at least one ensemble course each semester for 7 semesters prior to student teaching.
MUSIC.302 Keyboard Skills II
MUSIC.231 General Conducting
MUSIC.328 Choral Conducting and Methods
MUSIC.329 Instr Conducting & Methods
MUSIC.100 Seven semesters, Pass/Fail (zero credits)
MUSIC.118 Intro to Music Education
MUSIC.229 Music Ed Computing & Tech
MUSIC.305 Special Topics in Music Ed
MUSIC.305 Special Topics in Music Ed
MUSIC.331 Elementary Methods & Curr
MUSIC.319 Secondary Methods and Curr
PSYCH.211 Early Child Development OR PSYCH.212 Adolescent Development
MUSIC.495 Student Teaching I*
MUSIC.496 Student Teaching 2*
EDFOUND.311 Educ Measurements & Eval
SPECED.358 Meth of Instr for individ w/Disab
SPECED.275 Link Assess & Instr for Stud w/Disab
AUDSLP.415 English Lang Learn:Basic Lang&Comm OR AUDSLP.432 Comm/Ed ELLs
EDFOUND.406 Multicultural Education
MUSIC.203 Voice Methods
MUSIC.206 String Methods I
MUSIC.220 String Methods II
MUSIC.207 Brass Methods I
MUSIC.208 Brass Methods II
MUSIC.209 Percussion Methods
MUSIC.232 Woodwind Methods I
MUSIC.233 Woodwind Methods II
*One semester of 16 weeks, (12 credits), 7.5 hours daily, incorporating experience/instruction in vocal or instrumental settings, including elementary, middle, and secondary experience with the majority scheduled in the specialty track.
(Any courses marked with * must have a grade of C or better, C- doesn't count)
ENGLISH.101 Foundations of College Writing*
MUSIC.321 Music History 1 *
COMMSTUD.103 Public Speaking*
MUSIC.229 Music Education Comp and Technology
MATH.___ Math Thinking 101 * or
Finite Math 111* or
Algebra 118* Applied Matrix or
Essentials of Calculus 123*
PSYCH.160 Applied Statistics for Behavioral Sciences*
MUSIC.102 World Music*
SPECED.101 Intro to Exceptional Individual*
(Counted in Goal 10)
PSYCH.101 General Psychology*
SOC.211 Principles of Sociology*
MUSIC.105 Music Literature*
ENGLISH.__ Choice of British (246, 247)*
or American Literature (236, 237)*
Testing out is possible
SPECED.101 Intro to Exceptional Individual*
Total GenEd Credits: May differ depending on student choices, minimum 40 credits. Must have the number of GEPs for each of 10 goals. Combined total of credits in gen. ed. must equal 40 to make 129 credits.