Bloomsburg University Academic Programs
Academic Catalog

Physics (B.A.)

Administered by the Physics and Engineering Technology Department

Effective Spring 2015

The Bachelor of Arts program requires 40 semester hours; to graduate, students must fulfill all general education requirements and complete 120 credits with a minimum grade point average of 2.00 in all courses required by the major and a minimum of 2.00 overall.

Required courses include:

MATH.125 Calculus I

MATH.126 Calculus II

MATH.225 Calculus III

MATH.322 Differential Equations

PHYSICS.211 General Physics I

PHYSICS.212 General Physics II

PHYSICS.302 Mechanics: Dynamics

PHYSICS.310 Modern Atomic Physics

PHYSICS.314 Electricity & Magnetism or PHYSICS.318 Optics

Electives (a minimum of 11 credits from the following):

Any PHYSICS course numbered 300 or higher

CHEM.115 Chem for Sciences I

CHEM.116 Chem for Sciences II

CHEM.361 Physical Chemistry I

CHEM.362 Physical Chemistry II

COMPUTER SCIENCE Courses numbered COMPSCI.121 or higher

ENGTECH.101 Intro to Engineering Tech or PHYSICS.123 Cont Physics

ENGTECH.141 Circuit Analysis

ENGTECH.231 Electrical Mach & Pwr Sys

ENGTECH.241 Electrical Instru & Data Acq

ENGTECH.321 Manufacturing Processes

ENGTECH.331 Linear Systems & Signals

ENGTECH.431 Industrial Process Control

ENGTECH.441 Communications Systems

ENGTECH.461 Radio Frequency Effs & Meas

MATH.226 Calculus IV

MATH.314 Linear Algebra

Students seeking Secondary Education Certification in Physics must declare majors in both Physics (BA) and Secondary Education (Physics) and complete the full Physics (BA) course sequence as well as the Secondary Education Professional Course and Certification requirements. Students must consult their advisers in both departments each semester regarding course selection and other certification requirements. Full program requirements for students seeking Secondary Education Certification in Physics may be found at