Bloomsburg University Academic Programs
Academic Catalog

Computer and Information Science (B.S.)

Department of Computer and Information Systems, College of Business

Effective Fall 2009

Students who choose to major in Business Computer and Information Science must take 53 required semester hours of credit in General Education and 7 credits of General Education Elective courses. In addition, Computer and Information Systems majors must take 60 semester hours of specific general education required courses to meet the 120-hour necessary for a baccalaureate degree. There is some flexibility permitted in the selection of courses, however, the following must be included in the program of study in order to ensure the exploration of topics in business as well as in Information Systems

General Education Requirements:

BUSED.333 Business Communications and Report Writing

COMMSTUD.103 Public Speaking

ECONOMIC.121 Principles of Economics I

ECONOMIC.122 Principles of Economics II

ENGLISH.101 Foundations of College Writing

MATH.141 Introduction to Statistics or MATH.241 Probability and Statistics

Choose one of the following two combinations:

MATH.123 Essentials of Calculus and MATH.118 Applied Matrix Algebra or

MATH.125 Calculus and MATH.126 Calculus II

The other General Education courses allow greater flexibility of choice from among:

Selections from the natural and social sciences, the humanities, exercise science and athletics, values and ethics, and courses designated as culturally diverse.

CIS Requirements:

Choose one of the following two combinations:

ACCT.220 Financial Accounting and ACCT.223 Managerial Accounting

ACCT.221 Principles of Accounting I and ACCT.222 Principles of Accounting II or

MISCIS.140 Introduction to Computer Information Systems

MISCIS.141 Introduction to Business Information Development

MISCIS.240 Introduction to Programming I

MISCIS.241 Introduction to Programming II

MISCIS.252 Business Oriented Programming

MISCIS.346 Data and Information Structures

MISCIS.351 Systems Analysis and Design

MISCIS.354 Data Base Processing Systems

MISCIS.358 Data Communication Systems

MISCIS.460 Advanced Systems Development I

MISCIS.461 Advanced Systems Development II

CIS Elective Courses:

Choose two CIS courses at the 300 or 400 level.

MISCIS.352 Advanced Programming

MISCIS.356 Operating Systems

MISCIS.364 Fundamentals of Electronic Commerce

MISCIS.432 Internship in Computer Information Systems

MISCIS.450 Expert Systems and Artificial Intelligence

MISCIS.498 CIS Special Topics

Information Technology courses offered by other departments can be used as electives with the approval of the advisor and the chairperson of CIS.

While an internship in CIS is not required for a degree, students are strongly encouraged to take MISCIS.432 Internship in Computer and Information Systems. This course may be taken for a maximum of six semester hours, which can only be counted as electives, three each in CIS and Business.

Restricted Business Elective Courses:

To complete the 60 semester hours needed for the CIS/Business requirement, five courses are to be selected from Business for a total of 15 semester hours. The courses selected must be from the designated list of electives, see Business Elective information below. It is also imperative that the five courses selected are 300 or 400 level courses to the extent necessary to satisfy the 40% rule that 48 of the required 120 credits for graduation are junior (300) and /or senior (400) level.

Students must consult with an adviser when selecting and scheduling courses.


Courses may be chosen from any of the following departments with some restrictions: (Advisor approval should be sought) BUSED, ACCT, MISCIS, MGMT, ITM, FINANCE, MKTG, and LAW.

BUSED.101, Introduction to Business, can be taken as a business elective if it is taken before 45 credits have been earned.

BUSED.350, Valuing Diversity in Business, may be taken as a business elective and will simultaneously meet a Cultural Diversity requirement.

*BUSED.333 - Only requirement of majors who entered BU as a freshman in the Fall of 2007, or were readmitted thereafter.