Bloomsburg University Academic Programs
Academic Catalog

Spanish (B.A.)

Administered by Department of Languages and Cultures

Effective Fall, 2010

Required Courses

A total of 36 semester hours is required for a major in Spanish in addition to 53 semester hours of general education requirements. Students must receive a minimum grade of C in every course required for the major. Other than the General Education distribution requirements, the department does not restrict the choice of courses in this area. Students are encouraged to choose general education courses in consultation with their advisers. The balance of courses to meet the university's requirement for a bachelor's degree come from elective courses.

Required courses for the major include (27 credits):

12.203 Spanish III

12.204 Spanish IV

12.206 Structure of the Spanish Language

12.207 Conversation and Composition I

12.305 Applied Phonetics and Pronunciation

12.306 Conversation and Composition II

12.402 Advanced Conversation

12.403 Advanced Structure and Composition

12.420 Hispanic Literature

Note: Exemptions from required courses are allowed only through consultation with a Spanish advisor and must be substituted with an advanced elective in Spanish.

Common Core (6 credits):

16.200 Comparative Cultural Studies

16.400 Comparative Language Studies

Additional Courses Available as Free Electives:

12.208 Spanish for Health Professions

12.209 Spanish for Social Services

12.210 Commercial Spanish

12.211 Spanish Culture and Civilization

12.212 Spanish American Culture and Civilization

12.213 Hispanic Culture and Literature

12.214 Hispanic Culture and Civilization

12.221 Spanish Culture through Film

12.222 Latin American Culture through Film

12.250 Spanish for Heritage Speakers I (requires approval of instructor)

12.281-9 Special Topics

12.290 Study Abroad

12.325 Spanish for Educators

12.331 Literary Analysis of Hispanic Texts

12.350 Spanish for Heritage Speakers II (requires approval of instructor)

12.390 Internship in Spanish

12.422 Hispanic Theater and Poetry

12.430 Hispanic Short Story

12.490 Independent Study

16.400 Studies Abroad

Students majoring in Secondary Education and Spanish must declare a major in Spanish and complete the full major sequence. Students majoring in early childhood education and elementary education may elect an area of concentration in Spanish. Students should consult their advisers in the Department of Languages and Cultures about course selection. Students are required to take the methods course, 16.350 Foreign Language Teaching Methods and Research. Full program requirements for students seeking Secondary Education Certification in Spanish may be found at

Study Abroad Opportunities: The department offers an exchange program with the University of Puerto Rico, Cayey Campus and with the Universidad Veracruzana in Mexico. Exchange programs are open to all university students who have had at least two years of college Spanish.