Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania

Secondary Education (BSED) (Citizenship)

The following course sequence sheet is for illustrative purposes only and should not be construed as formal academic advisement. Course selections and sequence may vary depending on course availability and counsel from your academic adviser. You should consult an academic adviser before developing an actual academic plan.

Cr. First Semester Cr. Second Semester
342.121 U.S. History Colonial Period 1877342.125 Western Civilization to 1650
342.122 U.S. History 1877 to present342.126 Western Civilization since 1650
320.101 Composition I348.101 General Psychology
 or 48.101 General Psychology or 20.101 Composition I
360.204 Ed. Computing (or 60.350 or 351)370.101 Introduction to Indiv. w/Exceptional
 or 70.101 Introduction to Indiv. w/Exceptional or 60.204 Ed. Computing (or 60.350 or 351)
260.206 Teachers, Schools, & Society3General Ed. Group C (Natural Science/Math)
(1)09.100 Optional University Seminar  
14Total Semester Credits15Total Semester Credits
Cr.Third SemesterCr.Fourth Semester
342.298 Historiography and Historical Methods342.398 Research & Writing Skills
3100/200-Level Non-Western History Elective3100/200-Level Non-Western History Elective
3 40.121 Principles of Economics I or 25.103 Public Speaking or 25.104 Interpersonal 3 25.103 Public Speaking or 25.104 Interpersonal or 40.121 Principles of Economics I
3General Ed. Quantitative & Analytical Reasoning3300/400 Level US History Elective
360.251 Psychological Foundations of Education360.291 Principles of Teaching
1General Education Fitness/Recreation Skills341.100 World Regional Geography
16Total Semester Credits18Total Semester Credits
Cr.Fifth SemesterCr.Sixth Semester
3300/400 Level European History Elective3300/400 Level Non-Western History Elective
3300/400 Level History Elective348.212 Adolescence
3General Education Group A (Literature)3General Ed. Group C (Natural Science/Math)
360.311 Classroom Measures & Assessment344.101 Elements of Political Science
3General Ed. Group C (Natural Science/Math)360.406 Multicultural Education
1General Education Fitness/Recreation Skills or 60.393 Social Foundations of Education
16Total Semester Credits15Total Semester Credits
Cr.Seventh SemesterCr.Eighth Semester
3300/400 Level History Elective662.494 Student Teaching (First Assignment)
365.355 Teaching Social Studies662.495 Student Teaching (Second Assignment)
344.120 U S Government  
3General Ed. Values, Ethics, Decision-Making  
3General Ed. Group C (Natural Science/Math)  
15Total Semester Credits12Total Semester Credits


To complete program within 121 credits, students must count one Communications, Quantitative or Values course towards Gen Ed Group A, B, or C. As an example, this program counts 25.103 for Communications and Group A.