Administered by Department of Developmental Instruction
Effective Fall 2009
01.011 Reading I (Summer) (3) - Designed to improve a student's reading ability to a level where he/she can compete at the next level. Instruction given in a laboratory and lecture format. Weekly contacts provide individualized prescriptions. Three semester hours toward full-load status; grade counted in GPA. Does not apply toward graduation.
01.025 Reading II (3) - Course presents major components of the reading process and emphasizes basic reading skills. A prerequisite for College Reading and Study Skills for students scoring below the established cutoffs on the Nelson Denny Reading Test. Three semester hours towards full-load status; grade counted in GPA. Does not apply toward graduation.
01.041 Writing I (Summer) (3) - Fundamentals of standard written English for students who test extremely low on SAT-V and whose writing samples confirm need. Emphasis on language activities such as conferencing, revising and editing of papers and reading response journals to improve basic skills in context and reduce anxiety about writing. Numerous and varied short writing assignments. Three semester hours towards full-load status; grade counted in the GPA. Does not apply toward graduation.
01.060 Writing II (3) - Required of students whose SAT-V scores fall below a standard set by the university and whose writing samples confirm need. Students refine basic writing skills in context of varied writing assignments that address given rhetorical situations. Assignments call for specific evidence and responsible generalization from that evidence. Classwork may include conferencing, collaborative work, student presentations, reading and discussion as well as writing. Three semester hours towards full-load status; grade counted in GPA. Does not apply toward graduation.
01.071 Pre Algebra (Summer) (3) - Geared for students with inadequate arithmetic skills. Study skill techniques and problem-solving strategies explored. Emphasizes basic computer literacy and uses computer-assisted instruction. Three semester hours toward full-load status; grade counted in GPA. Does not apply toward graduation.
01.080 Introductory Algebra (3) - Recommended for students with minimal algebraic skills as evidenced by student preparation and results obtained in diagnostic tests. A program designed for each student may include operations of rational numbers, ratio, proportion, percent, geometric concepts, basic algebraic concepts and skills. Concepts may include beginning linear equations. Three semester hours toward full-load status; grade counted in GPA. Does not apply toward graduation.
01.090 Intermediate Algebra (3) - Emphasizes intermediate algebraic skills necessary if success is to be obtained in College Algebra. Topics include linear equations and functions, exponents and polynomials, factoring, rational expressions and quadratic equations. Provides concepts and skills necessary for college-level math courses that build on a limited algebraic background. Three semester hours toward full-load status; grade counted in GPA. Does not apply toward graduation.
01.095 Introductory Science (Summer) (3) - Acquaints the student with scientific terminology and methodology; familiarizes the student with the study skills unique to the mastery of science; prepares the student for subsequent courses in science; and makes the student more comfortable with the nature and characteristics of science. Three semester hours toward full-load status; grade counted in GPA. Does not apply toward graduation.
01.099 Intensive English Seminar (Summer) (3) - Designed for entering international students who score at least at the ACTFL level 1+ on a departmentally-administered oral placement test, but who have low TOEFL scores or who wish to improve English skills preparatory to enrollment in other classes. Provides 90 hours of conversation and acculturation in the company of native English speakers, together with some practice in writing and grammar. Credit does not apply toward graduation.
01.100 College Study Skills (1) - Designed to provide, formulate and apply the methods and models of learning strategies. Principle focus on content area reading and study skills. Outside readings and discussion focus on the nature of learning and the individual's responsibility to learning. Product and process discussed and compared to various approaches to learning. Credit applies toward graduation. Usually restricted to the summer freshmen program or offered upon special request.
01.103 Art of Possibility and Mindfulness Practice (3) - This course develops a working understanding of the consequences of implicit self-theories of intelligence for quality of academic success. Mindfulness practice as a skillful means for lifelong learning is developed. This course approved as 3 credits of Values, Ethics and Responsible Decision Making toward general education requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: None.
01.104 Personal Mastery and Advanced Mindfulness Practice (3) – The student constructs a personal repertoire from a wide variety of techniques and strategies for achieving personal mastery in his/her professional and personal life. Student selects a strategy that fits his or her personal needs in establishing mindfulness practice as a practical skill for keeping socio-emotional balance in the midst of alert awareness to the events and circumstances of the present moment across the common complexities of life as full castrophe living. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: None.
01.120 College Reading and Study Skills (3) - Develops the complex reading and study skills essential for college learning. Focuses on content area reading and study strategies, reading flexibility and critical reading skills. Outside readings focus on the nature of learning and the individual's responsibility to learning. Students may be required to use the reading lab for computerized vocabulary lessons and speed reading exercises. Three hours lecture per week. Credit applies toward graduation.