Bloomsburg University Academic Programs
Academic Catalog

Middle Level Grades 4-8 Science (B.S.Ed.)

Administered by Early Childhood and Elementary Education

Effective Fall 2009

The State Board of Education adopted changes that affect all of Pennsylvania's instructional and educational specialist programs by adding 9 credits or 270 hours or equivalent combination for adaptations and accommodations for diverse students in an inclusive setting and 3 credits or 90 hours or equivalent combination to meet the instructional needs of English Language Learners. Although these regulatory changes became effective on September 22, 2007, the PA Department of Education has not yet developed final requirements for colleges/universities to follow. Therefore, additional program requirements will be developed and incorporated into your certification program to comply with new regulations for certifying teachers that become effective on January 1, 2013.

Requirements for Certification in Middle Level 4-8 develop knowledge of the nature of the pre-adolescent/adolescent, the nature of the middle school, the learning process, general methods of teaching and methods of teaching particular subjects and to provide student teaching experience. A total of 73 semester hours is taken in required courses. None may be taken on a pass/fail basis. An area of teaching competence is required (Mathematics, Social Studies, Science or Language Arts/Reading). No free electives are available for this program. In addition to the 123-credit requirement for a Bloomsburg University degree, education majors are subject to background checks and passage of Praxis exams.

General Education Requirements

Among 50-53 credits of general education requirements some courses are specifically required

48.101 General Psychology

60.406 Multicultural Education

72.415 ELL Basics of Language and Communication, 72.432 Communication and Education for ELLs or 79.494 ELL Strategies and Methods

Two credits of survival, fitness and recreation skills

Professional Education Courses

48.214 Transitions to Adolescent Development

48.310 Middle Childhood Cognitive Development

60.291 Principles of Teaching

62.351 Teaching Middle Level Science and Mathematics Grades 4-8

62.360 Teaching Middle Level Language Arts and Social Studies

62.366 Teaching Reading in the Content Areas Elem/Mid Level Grades 4-8

70.101 Introduction to Individuals with Exceptionalities

70.358 Methods of Instruction for Individuals with Disabilities

Science Content (30 credits)

50.114 Concepts Biology I

50.115 Concepts Biology II

51.120 Physical Geology

52.101 Introductory Chemistry

52.115 Chemistry for the Sciences I

54.103 Physical Science or see your adviser

Advanced Science Course

Advanced Science Course

Advanced Science Course

Language Arts Content (12 credits)

20.101 Composition I

20.152 Literature & Society OR 20.151 Intro to Literature

20.385 Literature for Young Adults

25.103 Public Speaking or 25.104 Interpersonal Communication

Social Studies Content (12 credits)

40.121 Principles of Economics I

41.100 World Regional Geography

42.121 U.S. History Survey: Colonial period through 1877

OR 42.122 U.S. History Survey: 1877 to present

42.388 Pennsylvania

Mathematics Content (12 credits)

53.101 Math Thinking

53.109 College Algebra

53.201 Math Concepts I: Theory of Arithmetic

53.202 Math Concepts II; Geometry and Statistics


70.275 Linking Assessment and Instruction for Students with Disabilities

79.301 Teaching Learning and Assessment OR 60.311 Classroom Measures

and Assessment

Field Experiences (3 credits)

62.496 Practicum (Bloomsburg, Berwick, Central, Danville, Hazleton and/or Southern)

79.312 Internship (Bloomsburg)

79.320 Practicum (Central or Danville)

79.461 Practicum (Bethlehem)

Student Teaching (12 credits)

62.494 Teaching in Education: First Experience

62.495 Teaching in Education: Second Experience

Other requirements

All students are required to complete the following:

FBI Clearance (Renewed yearly)

Criminal Record Check (Act 34, renewed yearly)

Child Abuse Check (Act 151, renewed yearly)

TB Test - results Negative or Statement of Treatment (every two years)

Praxis I - Pre-professional skills test (PPST). All students are required to take the following Praxis Tests. PPSTs must be taken and passed by 48 credits in order to be admitted to teacher education.

Reading (10710)

Writing (20720)

Mathematics (10730)

Praxis II - Subject Assessments. Beginning Fall 2007 the Pennsylvania Praxis II tests must be taken and passed in order successfully complete the certification program.

Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge (30511)

Elementary Education: Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment (10011)