Administered by Department of Marketing
Effective Spring, 2007
97.110 Marketing: A Primer (1) - Introduces students to the field of marketing, related careers, and the Department of Marketing policies. Marketing assignments and self-presentation skills (such as resume writing and career preparation) are incorporated. One lecture hour per week.
97.310 Marketing Principles and Practices(3) - Surveys the fundamental features of contemporary marketing systems and the planning required to make available satisfying goods and services to customers at a profit. Explains the role of marketing in society and the institutions which compose the market system. Describes components of the marketing mix-product planning, distribution, pricing and promotion. Three lecture hours per week. Prerequisite: 40.121.
97.320 Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations (3) - Analyzes the applicability of Marketing Paradigms, Principles, and Practices to the nonprofit sector. Advocates Marketization of nonprofit marketing through attraction of new resources, organizational design, donor marketing, societal marketing, and strategic marketing. Three lecture hours per week. Prerequisite: 97.310.
97.330 Consumer Motivation and Behavior (3) - Analyzes the role of the consumer as the ultimate buyer of the product and the strategy and forces directed at the consumer by the seller. Topics include models of consumer buying behavior, consumer motivation, interpersonal and intrapersonal influence on the consumer as a decision maker in the market place. Three lecture hours per week. Prerequisite: 97.310, 48.101.
97.331 - E-Marketing (3) - This course provides an overview of the rapid development and growing influence of E-Marketing. Relationships between traditional marketing, websites, and the interactivity imposed by the internet are analyzed. Impact of globalization through internet activities is studied. Also standards and legal issues are discussed. Three lecture hours per week. Prerequisite: 97.310.
97.340 Advertising Management (3) - Studies the advertising element of the marketing/promotional program from a management perspective. Examines advertising's role in business and society. Advertising's use of the communication process is studied from a theoretical and practitioner's perspective. Development of an ad campaign is highlighted with emphasis on management decisions involved in planning and execution. Special attention given to budgeting, copywriting, media analysis and choice. Three lecture hours per week. Prerequisite: 97.310.
97.341 Principles of Selling (3) - Includes a study of selling as a profession, preparation for successful selling, steps and procedures associated with the sales process, and special selling topics. Students apply sales principles and techniques while conducting sales presentations. Three lecture hours per week. Prerequisite: 97.310, 60 credits earned.
97.350 Retail Management Concepts (3) - Presents retailing as a dynamic aspect of the marketing/channels distribution system. Consumer/marketing analysis, store location, store layout, merchandising, pricing, promotional issues and problems are considered. Three lecture hours per week. Prerequisites: 97.310.
97.370 Sales Management (3) - Studies the personal selling element of the marketing/promotional program from a management perspective. Recruiting, selecting, training organizing, motivating, compensating, evaluating and controlling the sales force are treated, as well as management's planning responsibilities which include designing intelligence systems, forecasting and establishing sales territories. Special consideration is given to sales management's inputs and integration with marketing management. Three lecture hours per week. Prerequisite: 97.310.
97.380 International Marketing (3) - Examines the universality of the marketing discipline throughout diverse global economies. Conducts cross cultural analyses to understand cultural universals and the economic integration of regional alliances, such as the European Union. Assesses various entry strategies such as exporting, joint ventures, direct investment and turn key operations. Highlights the corporate role of global strategic partnerships in producing a higher standard of living. Three lecture hours per week. Prerequisite: 97.310. This course is approved as a Diversity General Education Course.
97.431 Independent Study in Marketing (3) - Develops research skills in an academic or experience-based setting through collaborative research with a faculty member. Applies marketing theory to an employment situation or research objective. Three lecture hours per week. Prerequisite: Nine semester hours in marketing.
97.432 Internship in Marketing (1-6) - Develops applied marketing skills in an experiential setting that are not available in the academic classroom. Students learn to relate marketing principles and practices to an employment situation. Prerequisites: 97.310, 2.5 GPA, 75 semester hours and junior or senior standing.
97.440 Marketing Research (3) Develops the skills of the scientific marketing research procedure (problem definition, research design, data collection, analysis and interpretation). Applies research data collection methods and statistical analysis to product mix issues such as planning, advertising research, consumer or competitive analysis. Three lecture hours per week. Prerequisite: 40.256.
97.460 Marketing Management (3) -Takes a holistic approach to marketing management by integrating theoretical marketing perspectives into system models. Course analyses apply problem solving skills to strategic and theoretical issues in marketing systems such as products, services, pricing, places, ideas, and organizations. Marketing concepts are integrated with advanced sciences such as economics, behavioral sciences, management, and mathematics. Three lecture hours per week. Prerequisite: 97.310, 97.330 plus six additional hours in Marketing
97.480 Business-to-Business Marketing (3) - Strategies for marketing products and services to industrial, commercial and governmental markets. Changing industry and marketing structures are analyzed. Three lecture hours per week. Prerequisite: 97.310.
97.490 Contemporary Problems and Issues (3) - Explores major issues, trends and problems characterizing the current marketing environment. Encourages students to do extensive reading in current marketing and other related literature. Theoretical, environmental research and trade-off issues in marketing are assessed. Case study, group projects and group dynamics are used. Three lecture hours per week. Prerequisites: senior standing and 6 semester hours in marketing.
97.510 Marketing Foundations (3) - This course provides an overview of the foundations for modern marketing theory and practice, analyzing marketing from both the societal as well as the managerial perspective. Components of the marketing mix including products and services, pricing, distribution systems and promotion mixes are emphasized. Three lecture hours per week. Prerequisite: graduate standing.
97.530 Strategic Buyer Behavior (3) - Covers concepts and theories from the behavioral sciences as they relate to marketing strategy formulation. Three lecture hours per week.
97.551 Marketing Management (3) - Develops the strategic application of marketing in an organization through the analysis of marketing activities. Integrates the analysis of global marketing opportunities, segmentation of target audiences, growth and competitive strategy, marketing research systems, buyer behavior and marketing mix development. Three lecture hours per week. Prerequisite: 97.510 or 97.310
97.552 Marketing Research (3) - Develops advanced techniques of the scientific marketing research procedure (problem definition, research design, data collection, analysis and interpretation). Focuses on an applied orientation for the global users of marketing research. Qualitative and quantitative research methods are developed with the advanced statistical tools to produce a marketing research report. Three lecture hours per week.
97.599 Special Topics (3) - This course may address a variety of topics in marketing by allowing the instructor to focus on one or more appropriate current topics in the marketing profession. Students should contact the instructor prior to enrollment to learn the current academic focus. Three lecture hours per week.