Administered by Department of Sociology, Social Work and Criminal Justice
Effective Spring 2008
49.133 Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare (3) - A survey of the social work profession and the social welfare institutions in the United States. Includes ideologies, historical perspectives, values and generalist social work practice in various social welfare fields with an emphasis on human diversity and a commitment to social and economic justice. This course counts as a Group B, Social & Behavioral Sciences General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week.
49.221 Human Behavior in the Social Environment (3) - Provides an understanding of how economic, environmental, and social forces interface with biological, cultural, psychological, and social characteristics of human beings alone and in families, groups, communities, and organizations. Explores the cultures, historical experience, and demographics of various oppressed groups in the United States over the life span. This course counts as a Group B, Social & Behavioral Sciences General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 49.133 and 50.101 (or permission of instructor).
49.236 Child Welfare (3) - Examines child welfare services, issues and the institutions which affect the social functioning of children. This is an elective course in social work program but prerequisite for those who participate in CWEB. This course counts as a Group B, Social & Behavioral Sciences General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week.
49.250 Research Methods for Generalist Social Work Practice (3) - Prepares the BSW practitioner to understand the research process and to critique research. The student will be exposed to a variety of social research processes and methods, including single subject research, qualitative and quantitative methodologies, and program evaluation. Emphasis on understanding and applying social work values to research, on methods for evaluation of one's own practice, and the interface of research with successful social work practice. This course counts as a Group B, Social & Behavioral Sciences General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 49.133 (Intro to Social Work); any statistics course as a pre- or co-requisite (from the social sciences or mathematics, or as approved by the program director).
49.297 Introductory Practice Experience in Social Work (3) - The primary goal of this course is to initiate the preparation of the baccalaureate generalist social worker with a foundation of social work knowledge, values, ethics and skills. The beginning integration of ecological systems theory into generalist social work practice occurs in this course. This course counts as a Group B, Social & Behavioral Sciences General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 49.133 (with grade of C or above). Grade of C or above required to apply to the Social Work major.
49.334 Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families (3) - Examines the knowledge, values, ethics and skills for professional generalist social work practice with the individual and family, grounded in a strengths perspective and in systems/ecological theory, with emphasis on problem-solving. This course counts as a Group B, Social & Behavioral Sciences General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 49.221. Restricted to social work majors.
49.450 Social Work Practice Groups and Groups at Risk (3) - Examines the concept of group as a method and target of change. Provides the generalist social work practitioner with skills of group work as an intervention strategy and with effective use of the problem-solving process to address social justice issues with key high-risk groups. This course counts as a Group B, Social & Behavioral Sciences General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 49.221. Restricted to social work majors.
49.451 Family Counseling (3) - Surveys the major theoretical models for family assessment and intervention with primary emphasis on ecological systems. Covers knowledge of rudimentary assessment and intervention skills for problem solving with families. This course counts as a Group B, Social & Behavioral Sciences General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week.
49.452 Social Work Practice with Organizations and Communities (3) - The primary goal of this course is to provide the entry-level generalist social work practitioner with a beginning understanding of the effective use of the problem solving process at the macro level of intervention. The student will be provided with opportunities to apply curriculum content to work with communities and organizations. This course counts as a Group B, Social & Behavioral Sciences General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 49.221. Restricted to social work majors.
49.453 Social Welfare Policy and Services (3) -Examines historical and current aspects of social welfare policy and services within the context of generalist social work practice. The focus includes: frameworks for social policy analysis; the political/organizational processes for influencing policy; and a policy advocacy/problem-solving framework for social work practice. This course counts as a Group B, Social & Behavioral Sciences General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 49.221. Restricted to social work majors.
49.455 Behavioral Health and Generalist Social Work (3) Overviews behavioral health - mental disorders and substance use disorders - in individuals and families, as it pertains to generalist social work practice. Diagnostic classification systems and contemporary treatment models will be examined, with attention to ethics, values, and cultural competence in social work practice. This course counts as a Group B, Social & Behavioral Sciences General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: 49.133 and 49.221 (or permission of instructor)
49.456 Social Work and Issues of Aging (3) Examines biological, social, and psychological aspects of aging as they pertain to generalist social work practice. Major topics include successful aging, health, economic status, social participation, and social services. This course counts as a Group B, Social & Behavioral Sciences General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: 49.133 and 49.221 (or permission of instructor)
49.497 Social Work Field Education (10-12) - Provides the social work major with the opportunity to integrate and apply knowledge, theory and understanding extracted from the foundation courses. The student engages in supervised activities in a community agency to develop competency as a professional generalist social work practitioner. Co-requisite: 49.498. Prerequisites: 49.334, 49.450, 49.452, and 49.453. Restricted to social work majors, with formal program approval.
49.498 Integrative Senior Seminar in Social Work (3) - Taken concurrently with 49.497, this capstone course integrates overall curriculum, processes and integrates theory and practice within field education, and incorporates practice-relevant research and assessment of student's own practice and interventions in the form of the portfolio. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: 49.334, 49.450, 49.452 and 49.453. Co-requisite: 49.497.