Administered by: Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics
Effective Fall 2008
A total of 120 credits are needed for a Bachelor of Science degree.
Required CS courses for the major (39 credits)
56.120 Computer Ethics (1)
56.121 Object-Oriented Programming with Java (4)
56.122 Graphical User Interfaces in Java (4)
56.221 Advanced Java (4)
56.240 Embedded Systems Languages (3)
56.255 Data Structures using C++ (4)
56.330 Computer Organization (3)
56.350 Organizational of Programming Languages (3)
56.355 Analysis of Algorithms and Data Structures (3)
56.357 Principles of Database Design (3)
56.386 Concurrent Programming and Foundations of Operating Systems (3)
56.480 Object-Oriented Software Engineering (4)
Required mathematics courses for the major (15 credits)
53.125 Calculus I (3)
53.126 Calculus II (3)
53.185 Discrete Mathematics (3)
53.141 Introduction to Statistics or 53.241 Probability and Statistics (3)
Any mathematics course numbered 53.200 or higher (3)
CS electives (choose a minimum of 9 credits)
56.323 Artificial Intelligence (3)
56.348 Data Mining (3)
56.356 Windows Programming (3)
56.373 Numerical Methods in Computing (3)
56.375 Local Area Networks (3)
56.410 Computer Graphics (3)
56.430 Computer Architecture (3)
56.456 Theory of Computation (3)
56.457 Database Design II (3)
56.461 Internet Programming (3)
56.491 Special Topics in Computer Science (3)
56.497 Internship in Computer Science (3)
Mathematics and Science Electives (15)
At least 12 credits of science from 2 different departments, including a two-semester laboratory sequence, and at least 3 additional credits of either science or math. Only approved science courses will satisfy these requirements. A list of approved science courses can be obtained from the department webpage.
General Education requirements for the major (9)
09.231 Technical Writing (3)
20.101 English Composition I (3)
25.103 Public Speaking (3)
The remaining credits required for graduation are satisfied by (33):
Values course (3)
Group A courses (9)
Group B courses (12)
Free electives (9)