Administered by Exceptionality Programs
Effective Fall, 2006
In addition to 53 semester hours in general education requirements, the major in interpreting requires 24 semester hours in Sign Language and 24-27 semester hours in interpreting; the remaining 16-19 semester hours required for a bachelor's degree come from elective courses.
74.153 Introduction to Sign Language
75.155 American Sign Language I
75.225 Linguistics of ASL
75.226 American Sign Language II
75.257 American Sign Language III
75.327 American Sign Language IV
75.330 The Deaf Culture
75.358 American Sign Language V
75.235 Introduction to Interpreting
75.265 Pre-Interpreting Skills
75.335 Translation
75.365 Consecutive Interpreting
75.420 Simultaneous Interpreting
75.450 Transliteration
75.460 Practicum Seminar
75.480 Practicum
20.112 Practical Grammar and Usage
25.103 Public Speaking
74.201 History, Education, and Guidance of the Deaf
74.260 Interpreting in the Education Setting
75.101 Visual/Gestural Communication
75.275 Oral Interpreting
75.370 Tactile Interpreting
Interpreting students may choose to take an area of concentration in education of the deaf/hard of hearing. The undergraduate curriculum in education of the deaf/hard of hearing lays the foundation for the training and education needed to prepare classroom teachers and itinerant hearing therapists to work in educational settings with deaf/hard of hearing children and adults. Students supplement the curriculum for their majors with an area of concentration in education of the deaf/hard of hearing that requires a minimum of 18 semester hours.