Administered by Department of Languages and Cultures
Effective Fall 2008
The program requires 18 credits. The Chinese Minor focuses on language training in particular, requiring students to earn 12 credits in Chinese I - IV, and 6 credits in Chinese culture studies. Credits can be transferred with approval. The goal of this curriculum is to help students reach intermediate to advanced proficiency levels.
Required and Elective Courses for the Minor in Chinese Studies
Required (12 credits)
19.101 Chinese I
19.102 Chinese II
19.203 Chinese III
19.204 Chinese IV
Electives (Choose 6 credits from the following)
19.211 Foundations of Chinese Civilization
19.212 China Today
42.131 Asian Civilization to 1500
42.132 Asian Civilization since 1500
42.359 20th Century China
42.355 East Asia since 1800
44.368 Asian Politics
44.360 Nations, States and Governments
44.310 Government and Politics of China
44.370 Government and Politics of China and India
31.346 Art History of the Far East
Students may, with program director's approval, transfer credits.
Program inclusion of these courses has been approved by chairpersons of related department.