Administered by Department of Psychology
Effective Spring 2008
48.101 General Psychology (3) - Studies psychology as a system of scientific inquiry into the nature and behavior of humans. Presents major concepts, principles and processes concerned with human functioning in individuals and social settings. This course counts as a Group B, Social & Behavioral Sciences General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week.
48.131 Psychology of Adjustment (3) - Examines the personal and social meaning of psychological adjustment. Emphasizes stress and coping concepts and psychosocial competence in adulthood. This course approved as 3 credits of Values, Ethics and Responsible Decision Making toward general education requirements/This course counts as a Group B, Social & Behavioral Sciences General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week.
48.160 Basic Statistics (3) - Introduces fundamental statistical concepts and principles providing a foundation for research. Discusses computation, interpretation and application of commonly used descriptive, correlation and inferential statistical procedures for analyzing data. This course approved as 3 credits of Quantitative-Analytical Reasoning toward general education requirements. Three hours lecture per week.
48.210 Life-Span Psychology (3) - Examines the psychology of human development from conception to death. Discusses traditional topics and issues in developmental psychology such as cognition and personality, but within a life-span developmental perspective. This course counts as a Group B, Social & Behavioral Sciences General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 48.101.
48.211 Child Psychology (3) - Studies normal development and the interrelationships among various aspects of biological, cognitive, personality and social factors. Emphasizes prenatal to adolescent development. This course counts as a Group B, Social & Behavioral Sciences General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 48.101.
48.212 Adolescence (3) - Studies developmental, personal and social issues confronting adolescents as they emerge from childhood and strive for adulthood. This course counts as a Group B, Social & Behavioral Sciences General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 48.101.
48.251 Psychological Foundations of Education (3) - Examines principles of psychology as applied to the classroom. Emphasizes learning processes as affected by environmental, experiential and developmental factors. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 48.101.
48.253 Social Psychology (3) - Studies interpersonal behavior with emphasis on affiliation, interpersonal perception and attraction, group behavior and conformity, attitude change and compliance. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 48.101.
48.254 Psychological Aspects of Social Issues (3) - Examines the application of psychological theories and techniques to existing social issues and their relationship to alternative ethical viewpoints regarding social issues selected by the instructor for study. This course approved as 3 credits of Values, Ethics and Responsible Decision Making toward general education requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 48.101.
48.281 Experimental Psychology: Methodology (3) - Introduces experimental design, statistical analysis and issues of control and confounding. Covers one, two and three factor designs. This course counts as a Group B, Social & Behavioral Sciences General Education Requirements and can only be repeated once. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: 48.101 and 48.160 (with a minimum grade of C in each).
48.282 Experimental Psychology: Applications (3) - Deals with the application of experimental principles in a laboratory setting. Students learn APA writing format and statistical and graphic computer packages. Extensive writing or research reports required. Extensive laboratory research required. Students apply concepts of experimental design in a variety of research projects with human subjects. A five-week experience with rats as subjects is required. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: 48.101, 48.160, 48.281, all with minimum grade of C.
48.311 Adulthood and Aging (3) - Studies normal adult development and the interrelationships among various aspects of biological, cognitive, personality and social factors. Topics include self concept, intelligence, relationships (both romantic and familial), work, retirement, physical aging, and death and dying. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 48.101.
48.321 Psychological Tests and Measurements (Fall) (3) - Introduces the logic of psychological measurement including the applied and practical aspects of psychological testing with emphasis on reliability, validity and test norms. Provides background for test evaluation. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: 48.101, 48.160, 48.281, all with minimum grade of C or consent of the instructor.
48.335 Abnormal Psychology (3) - Surveys the description, causation, prevention and treatment of maladaptive behavior and psychological disorders. Considers biological, psychological and social factors. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: 48.101, 48.160, 48.281, all with minimum grade of C, 48.282, or consent of the instructor
48.337 Developmental Psychopathology (3) - Critically examines psychological theories and research on the etiology, epidemiology, developmental pathway, course, and consequence of psychological conditions and psychiatric disorders from infancy through middle childhood. Encourages an appreciation of the broad range of variability in children's development, challenges students to discover divert development from its otherwise healthy trajectory and encourage students to explore factors that sustain the deviation or foster a return to normalcy. Emphasizes the prevention of psychological problems in children. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: 48.101, 481.60, 48.281, 48.282, 48.211 or 48.212 or consent of the instructor.
48.340 Community Psychology (3) - Surveys theory, research and action concerning the relationships between the individual and community life. Topics include the psychological sense of community, human diversity, promotion of health and socioemotional competence, citizen participation, community change and methods of community research. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: 48.101, 48.160, 48.281, all with minimum grade of C, or consent of the instructor.
48.341 Theory and Practice of Academic Psychology (3) - Sharpens and expands knowledge of the basic principles of psychology. Provides an intensive review of the content taught in General Psychology and requires students to lead discussion groups. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: Junior standing; 48.101, 48.160, 48.281, 48.282 and consent of the instructor.
48.342 Theory and Practice and Academic Psychology II (3) - Provides students who have completed Theories and Practice of Academic Psychology an opportunity to continue to develop skills related to leading discussions, presenting material and assessing and evaluation. In addition these students will also mentor students taking Theories and Practice for the first time. Does not fulfill a requirement for the major. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 48.341.
48.350 Psychology of Sex and Gender (3) - Examines the theoretical and research issues in psychological experiences of males and females. Views gender role development and implications for the daily lives of men and women from historical, biological, psychoanalytic, learning, sociological and anthropological perspectives. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: 48.101, 48.160, 48.281, all with minimum grade of C, or consent of the instructor.
48.356 Psychology of Motivation (Fall) (3) - Surveys the fundamental determinants of human and animal activities. Studies theories, research methodologies and experimental evidence related to the activation and the direction of behavior. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: 48.101, 48.160, 48.281 or consent of the instructor.
48.360 Cognitive Psychology (3) - Examines the major theoretical perspectives and research in the area of cognition and presents the ways in which mental processes such as memory, perception, language and problem solving may be empirically studied. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: 48.101, 48.160, 48.281, all with minimum grade of C, 48.282 or consent of the instructor.
48.375 Psychology of Learning (Fall) (3) - Examines the theoretical and experimental bases of learning in animal and human behaviors. Emphasis is on classical and operant conditioning and the experimental analysis of behavior. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites 48.101, 48.160, 48.281, 48.282 or consent of the instructor.
48.380 Behavioral Neuroscience (Spring) (3) - Studies the relationship between psychological processes and physiological activity. Reviews neurological and biochemical bases of behavior with emphasis on the synergistic functions of the nervous, sensory and hormonal systems. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: 48.101, 48.160, 48.281, 48.282 or consent of the instructor.
48.401 History of Psychology (3) - Studies the historical development of modern psychology and compares present-day models of behavior within an historical framework. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: 90 semester hours and completion of one of the following courses: 48.360, 48.375, 48.380, 48.335, 48.436 or consent of the instructor.
48.406 Psychology Seminar (3) - Provides for an advanced consideration of significant topics in psychology. Requires reports and discussions of current research and may be repeated with change in topic. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: 48.101 and consent of the instructor.
48.436 Theories of Personality (3) - A critical study of theories explaining development, structure and dynamics of personality. Considers personality from psychoanalytic, social, trait, self and learning points of view. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 48.101, 48.160, 48.281 (minimum grade of C in each), 48.282, or consent of the instructor.
48.439 Introduction to Clinical Psychology (3) - Surveys clinical psychology and the role of the clinical psychologist in community and hospital mental health programs, clinical assessment and diagnosis. Examines concepts in and models of psychotherapy. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: 48.101, 48.335 or 48.436 or consent of the instructor.
48.464 Advanced Experimental Design (Spring, odd-numbered years) (3) - Presents an advanced consideration of the planning, conduct and evaluation of research in the behavioral and biological sciences, employing parametric and nonparametric statistics. Emphasizes inferential statistics, design, analysis, interpretation and computer utilization. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: 48.101, 48.160, 48.281, 48.282 or consent of the instructor.
48.466 Independent Study in Psychology (3) - Studies a topic via either review and research of technical psychological literature or empirical manipulation of variables in the field or laboratory under supervision of a psychology faculty member. Requires written report on results of study. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: Consent of the instructor, departmental approval and approval by the dean of the College of Liberal Arts.
48.476 Principles of Behavior Modification (3) - Studies the application of learning principles to change behavior in both individual and group settings. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: 48.101, 48.160, 48.281 (minimum grade of C in each) or consent of the instructor.
48.497 Practicum in Psychology (3-15) - Provides application of psychological knowledge through study, observation and practice in a community. Prerequisites: 90 credit hours and completion of 48.101, 48.160, 48.281 (minimum grade of C in each) and consent of the instructor.
48.576 Theories of Human Learning (3) - Studies the historical and contemporary learning systems and models which yield principles for practical application. Three hours lecture per week.
48.577 Principles of Behavior Modification (3) - Studies the application of learning principles to change behavior in both individual and group settings. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: 48.101, 48.160, 48.281 (minimum grade of C in each) or consent of the instructor.
48.664 Research Design and Analysis (3) - Examines fundamental and advanced principles underlying experimental research. Experimental designs with one, two, and three independent variables will be covered. Completely between, within, and mixed factor designs will be analyzed. Statistical analyses using computer packages, graphic presentation, and reporting of data will be emphasized. Must be a graduate student enrolled at Bloomsburg University's doctoral program in Audiology and Speech Pathology Department or consent of instructor. Three hours lecture per week.