Bloomsburg University Academic Programs
2008 Catalog
Bloomsburg University Academic Programs
Undergraduate Admissions

Electronics Engineering Technology (B.S.) (Spring 2008)

Administered by the Physics and Engineering Technology

Effective Spring 2008

For a major in EET, the bachelor of science program requires 77 semester hours in courses shown below. Fifteen of these required semester hours count toward general education. Students must complete an additional 35 to 44 semester hours in general education. The balance of the 124 semester-hour graduation requirement comes from electives.

52.115 Chemistry for the Sciences I

53.113 Precalculus (if needed)

53.125 Calculus I

53.126 Calculus II

53.225 Calculus III

53.322 Differential Equations

54.211 General Physics I

54.212 General Physics II

54.315 Electronics

54.316 Digital Electronics

54.317 Computer Electronics

56.123 Visual Basic I

58.101 Introduction to Engineering Technology

58.141 Circuit Analysis

58.180 Computer Aided Design and Engineering Graphics

58.231 Electrical Machines and Power Systems

58.241 Electronic Instrumentation and Data Acquisition

58.321 Manufacturing Processes

58.331 Linear Signals and Systems

58.380 Cooperative Education in Industry I

58.381 Engineering Applications in Industry I

58.431 Industrial Process Control

58.441 Communications Systems

58.451 Digital Signal Processing

58.461 Radio Frequency Effects and Measurements