Bloomsburg University Academic Programs
Academic Catalog

Computer Forensics (B.S.) (Spring 2008)

Administered by the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

Effective Spring 2008

A total of 120 credits are required for a bachelor of science degree.

General Education requirements

Among 50 required general education credits, the following are required:

20.101 English Composition 1

25.103 Public Speaking

53.111 Finite Mathematics

28.295 Business Ethics

43.101 Introduction to Criminal Justice

53.141 Introduction to Statistics

53.185 Discrete Mathematics

Major requirements

The following Computer Science courses are required:

56.117 Introduction to Computer Forensics

56.123 Visual Basic 1

56.223 Visual Basic 2

56.217 Computer Forensics File Systems 1

56.218 Computer Forensics File Systems 2

56.317 Forensic Analysis in a Windows Environment

56.348 Data Mining

56.357 Database Design

56.417 Advanced Topics in Computer Forensics

56.476 Introduction to Computer Networks

91.120 Accounting for Small Business

91.326 Introduction to Fraud Examination

Free Electives

Free electives to achieve a total of 120 credits. Students are strongly encouraged to complete a related minor or career concentration.