Administered by Department of Geography and Geosciences
Effective Fall, 2007
41.100 World Regional Geography (3) - Investigates the interaction between physical phenomena and human activity, the distribution of economic development and the uniqueness of each world region. Three hours lecture per week.
41.101 World Physical Geography (3) - Studies Earth-sun relationships, land masses, oceans, landforms, weather and climate and natural resources as elements and controls related to the adjustments humans make to their environment. Three hours lecture per week.
41.102 World Cultural Geography (3) - Demonstrates the relationship of humankind, land, culture and economic activities. Three hours lecture per week. This course is approved as a Diversity General Education Course.
41.105 Environmental Issues and Choices (3) - Examines contemporary environmental resource issues within a values, ethics and decision-making framework. Three hours lecture per week.
41.125 Weather and Climate (3) - Studies the interrelationships between the elements of weather and climate; elaborates on the functional application of these elements through a study of climatic realms. Three hours lecture per week.
41.160 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (3) - This course provides a general overview of the fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems, particularly the role of twenty-first century technology in solving problems of a geographic nature. Three hours lecture per week.
41.200 Geography of United States and Canada (3) - Presents a spatial analysis of the United States and Canada emphasizing such concepts as environmental perception and sequent occupancy; considers salient problems within geographic regions in terms of genesis and potential for solution. Three hours lecture per week.
41.201 Geography of Europe (3) - Studies Europe's physical characteristics, topography, transportation systems, resources, populations and trade. Three hours lecture per week.
41.202 Geography of Latin America (3) - Examines Latin America as a major geographic region in terms of those economic, racial and cultural forms that have provided regional unity and diversity. Three hours lecture per week.
41.203 Geography of Australia (3) - A regional and spatial analysis of Australia within a physical, cultural, economic and environmental context. Examines Australia's historic and contemporary role within the Asian-Pacific sphere. Three hours lecture per week.
41.204 Geography of South Asia (3) - Provides a survey of the physical and human geography of South Asia, particularly India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Examines the major environmental, economic and cultural geography patterns, processes and issues. Three hours lecture per week.
41.221 Economic Geography (3) - Reviews major economic activities; focuses on significant characteristics, location theory and spatial patterns. Three hours lecture per week.
41.240 Writing for Environmental Careers (3) - Presents styles, formats, and guidelines for effective writing and communication in environmental fields, with an emphasis on skills, topics, and technologies specific to these areas. Uses a seminar approach involving class participation, group activities, and individualized instruction. This course counts as a Group B, Social & Behavioral Sciences General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: 20-101 Composition I and 41-105 Environmental Issues and Choices, or consent of the instructor.
41.242 Map Skills (3) - Uses a variety of published maps for interpreting and interrelating past and present physical and cultural phenomena with a view toward the future. Three hours lecture per week.
41.250 Elements of Planning (3) - Acquaints students with the philosophy of planning, the roles of the planner and planning objectives. Three hours lecture per week.
41.258 Environmental Conservation (3) - Identifies resource management and environmental problems and offers possible alternative solutions for these problems. This course counts as a Group B, Social & Behavioral Sciences General Education Requirements. Prerequisites: 41.105 or consent of instructor. Three hours lecture per week.
41.260 Geography Information Systems I (3) - An introduction to computer-assisted analysis of geographic data. Spatial data structures, geographic data files, database management spatial analysis and cartographic design are emphasized. Practical experience in GIS is provided through exercises and class activities. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: One geography course, or consent of instructor.
41.264 Applied Cartography (4) - Studies fundamental principles, use of graphic media, methods of construction, use and interpretation of maps, models, charts and diagrams, utilized in geography and in urban and regional planning. Four hours lecture per week.
41.281-289 Special Topics in Geography (3) - Presents areas of geographic interest to a general audience. Three hours lecture per week.
41.301 Water Resources Management (3) - An examination of contemporary water resource issues related to environmental planning and management. Three hours lecture per week.
41.302 Land Resources Management (3) - An examination of selected land-related issues and problems with the objective of identifying appropriate management techniques. Three hours lecture per week.
41.303 Soil Resources Management (4) - Provides a thorough background to the geo-environmental aspects of soil such as its nature and properties, factors of soil formation, classification and geographical distribution. Examines the interpretation of soil surveys and their role in land use and resource planning, conservation and management and environmental quality. Three hours lecture per week.
41.304 Environmental Valuation (3) - Provides a conceptual and methodological framework for evaluating environmental resources. Emphasis is on quantitative valuation techniques that help separate facts from emotion in complex environmental problems. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 41.105 or permission of the instructor.
41.305 Environmental Risks and Hazards (3) - Explores the human and environmental contributions to the generation and management of risks and hazards originating from extreme natural events and technological failures. Contemporary public policy issues at the local, national and international levels are reviewed with an emphasis on geographic themes in hazards and emerging management technologies. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: 41.101 or 51.107.
41.310 Population Geography (3) - Analyzes physical, human and economic factors that influence the changing pattern of the political map of the world. Three hours lecture per week.
41.315 Geography of Recreation, Tourism and Sport (3) - Explores the array of contemporary issues involving land, leisure and recreational planning. Three hours lecture per week.
41.342 Geographic Information Systems (3) - Presents an introduction to computer-assisted analysis of geographic data. Emphasizes GIS applications in management of natural resources, environmental assessment and urban and regional planning. Laboratory projects provide opportunities to develop computer expertise. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 41.242 or 41.264 or consent of the instructor.
41.350 Advanced Planning (3) - Presents the development of skills and techniques used in analysis, plan preparation, goal setting and implementation of urban and regional planning processes and activities. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 41.250 or consent of instructor.
41.363 Urban Geography (3) - Provides a conceptual and methodological framework in which to view the process of urbanization. Three hours lecture per week.
41.460 Geographic Information Systems II (3) - Focuses on research involving geographic information systems (GIS). A project-based class in which students learn the skills to develop and maintain a GIS. Through cooperative learning students design and implement functional systems. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 41.260 or consent of instructor.
41.462 Techniques of Geographic Measurement (3) - Data handling and map symbolization emphasized in this spatial analysis course. Topics in descriptive and inferential statistics are explored with an emphasis on applications to problems with spatial dimensions. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 41.242 or consent of the instructor.
41.475 Independent Study in Geography (1-3) - Provides independent, investigative research oriented to studies of specific geographical problems. Prerequisite: Open to juniors and seniors majoring in geography.
41.492 Geography Seminar (3) - Explores the history of geographic thought and examines the types of research methods and analysis used by scholars in the disciplines. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: Majoring in Geography
41.496 Internship in Geography (3-12) - Provides for on-site work experience in an appropriate agency or business. Internship is intended to integrate classroom learning with practical work experience emphasizing the functions, projects and responsibilities available at the internship site. Prerequisites: Major in Geography, Option I, appropriate completion of course requirements in the option and consent of the instructor.
41.497 Internship in Planning (12) - Involves the placement of a student who is enrolled in the course of study in urban/regional planning or environmental planning into a planning office for twelve weeks during a summer. The student is actively involved in the functions and activities of that planning office during that time.
41.498 Applied Planning Seminar (3) - Provides an opportunity for reporting and analyzing experiences in internship. Integrates and utilizes practice in the development of land use from an urban or environmental perspective. Three hours lecture per week. Taken in coordination with the internship in planning (41.497) or geography (41.496).