Bloomsburg University Academic Programs
Academic Catalog

Minor in Legal Studies

Administered by Department of Accounting

Effective: Spring 2018


The interdisciplinary minor in Legal Studies consists of 21 credit hours, five (15 credit hours) of which must be taken at Bloomsburg University. The requirements are:

1. LAW 331 Law and the Legal Environment (30 credits required) ONLINE OPTION. This course is required, but not a prerequisite for all other courses. It is a prerequisite for classes marked with an *.

2. One course from each of the following four Groups (12 credit hours): Law and Society; Law and Government, Law and Business, and Law and Science; and

3. Two courses or electives (6 credit hours) from the following options:

4. Two of the elective courses, in addition to the required LAW 331 Law and the Legal Environment, must be 300 or 400 level (9 credit hours).

The Groups and Courses

Courses for which LAW 331 Law and the Legal Environment is a prerequisite are marked with an *.

Course prerequisites are noted in parenthesis.

Courses that have an ONLINE OPTION are noted.

Courses that count for General Education Points [GEP] are noted.

Law and Society:

CRIMJUST 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice [GEP 6 -3pts.]

ENGLISH 152 Literature and Society – If focused on legal or justice issues, such as legal history or literature of crime, with approval of the program coordinator in consultation with the course instructor. [GEP 1 -1pt., GEP 7 -2pts.]

LAW 120 Personal Legal Decisions (ONLINE OPTION) [GEP 1 -1pt., GEP 6 -1pt., GEP 10 -1pt.}

PHIL 110 Critical Thinking [GEP 3 -3 pts.]

PHIL 292 Contemporary Moral Problems [GEP 4 -3pts.]

PHIL 290 Medical Ethics [GEP 4 -3pts.]

PHIL 295 business Ethics [GEP 4 -3pts.]

PSYC 254 Psychological Aspects of Social Issues (PSYCH 101)

COMMSTUD 321 Argument and Analysis (COMMSTUD 103 or by permission of instructor)

COMMSTUD 313 Conflict Management and Resolution (COMMSTUD 104 or by permission of instructor)

LAW 340 Law and Literature (30 credit hours) [GEP 7 -1pt., GEP 10 -2pts.]

CRIMJUST 410 Criminal Law (18 credits in Criminal Justice or permission of the instructor)

PHIL 405 Philosophy of Law

PHIL 407 Contemporary Political Philosophy

Law and Government:

POLISCI 120 U.S. Government [GEP 4 -1pt., GEP 10 -2pts.]

POLISCI 336 Public Adm. Theory

POLISCI 446 Constitutional Law I (60 credits)

POLISCI 447 Constitutional Law II (60 credits)

POLISCI 448 The Judicial Process

POLISCI 487 International Law and Organization (60 credits)

Law and Business:

ECON 315 Business and Government (ECON 121 and ECON 122)

ECON 329 Environmental Economics (ECON 121 and ECON 122)

LAW 332 Business and Commercial Law* ONLINE OPTION

LAW 336 Legal Aspects of Fraud Examination*

LAW 350 Environmental Law and Policy*

LAW 460 Employment and Discrimination Law*

LAW 407 International Legal Environment*

LAW 475 Negotiation and ADR*

MASSCOMM 310 Media Law and Ethics (MASSCOMM 230)

Law and Science:

CHEM 105 Introduction to Forensic Science [GEP 5 -3pts.]

EGGS 105 Environmental Issues and Choices [GEP 2 -1pt., GEP 5 -2pts.]

MATH 115 Cryptology (MATH 111 or MATH 250)

EGGS 250 Elements of Planning

EGGS 301 Water Resources Management

EGGS 302 Land Resources Management (EGGS 250 or consent of the instructor)

EGGS 386 U.S. Public Lands Management (EGGS 105 or junior/senior standing and consent of the instructor)