Administered by: Department of Mathematics and Digital Sciences
Effective Fall 2016
Digital Forensics is the acquisition of digital evidence in a legally sound way. The minor is designed to be flexible and to appeal to students with many different majors.
DIGFOR.121 Digital Forensics File Systems 1
DIGFOR.122 Digital Forensics File Systems 2
DIGFOR.219 Intro. To Linux for D.F.
DIGFOR.257 Secure System Design and Administration
DIGFOR.275 Introduction to Networks
DIGFOR.311 Security Fundamentals
DIGFOR.317 Digital Forensics Software
DIGFOR.318 Small Devices
DIGFOR.319 UNIX/LINUX for Digital Forensics
DIGFOR.351 Enterprise Network Investigations
DIGFOR.371 Penetration Testing
DIGFOR.417 Advanced Topics in Digital Forensics •
DIGFOR.451 Malware Forensics
Courses may have prerequisites.
At most six credit hours from a major may be used toward the minor.