Bloomsburg University Academic Programs
Academic Catalog

Digital Forensics (B.S.)

Department of Mathematical and Digital Sciences

Effective Summer 2019

As per PRP3604: All students earning a first baccalaureate degree will take at least 30 of their last 45 credits at Bloomsburg University, no more credits are required than the 30 credits. All first baccalaureate students will take at least 50% of credits required for the Major from a PASSHE university. Bloomsburg University may require up to a maximum of 50% of the Major credits. Program exceptions to the policy are to be approved by the Office of the Chancellor.

A total of 120 credits are required for a Bachelor of Science degree.

Required Digital Forensics Courses (24 Credits):

DIGFOR.121 Digital Forensics File Systems 1

DIGFOR.122 Digital Forensics File Systems 2

DIGFOR.219 Intro. To Linux for D.F.

DIGFOR.275 Introduction to Networks

DIGFOR.311 Security Fundamentals

DIGFOR.317 Digital Forensics Software

DIGFOR.318 Small Devices

DIGFOR.417 Advanced Topics in Digital Forensics

Required Math and CS Courses (15 to 17 credits):

COMPSCI.115 or 121 Python Programming or Object Oriented Programming in Java

COMPSCI.357 Database Design

MATH.111 or 125 Finite Mathematics or Calculus 1

MATH.141 or 241 Intro to Statistics or Probability and Statistics

MATH.180 or 185 Discrete Mathematical Structures or Discrete Mathematics

Digital Forensics Electives (At least 9 credits):

DIGFOR.257 Secure System Design and Administration

DIGFOR.319 UNIX/LINUX for Digital Forensics

DIGFOR.331 Electronic Delivery

DIGFOR.351 Enterprise Network Investigations

DIGFOR.371 Penetration Testing

DIGFOR.419 Independent Study in Digital Forensics

DIGFOR.451 Malware Forensics

DIGFOR.498 Internship in Digital Forensics (At most 3 credit hours)