Administered by Exceptionality Programs
Effective Fall 2017
As per PRP3604: All students earning a first baccalaureate degree will take at least 30 of their last 45 credits at Bloomsburg University, no more credits are required than the 30 credits. All first baccalaureate students will take at least 50% of credits required for the Major from a PASSHE university. Bloomsburg University may require up to a maximum of 50% of the Major credits. Program exceptions to the policy are to be approved by the Office of the Chancellor.
The major in ASL/English Interpreting requires 21 semester hours in Sign Language and 27-30 semester hours in interpreting; 10 semester hours of required coursework and 6 semester hours in Electives for the major. The remaining semester hours required for a bachelor's degree will come from general education and elective courses. Minimum 120 credits required to complete this major.
ASLTERP.155 American Sign Language I
ASLTERP.225 Linguistics of ASL
ASLTERP.226 American Sign Language II
ASLTERP.240 Visual Gestural Communication
ASLTERP.257 American Sign Language III
ASLTERP.327 American Sign Language IV
ASLTERP.330 the Deaf Culture
ASLTERP.358 American Sign Language V
ASLTERP.359 American Sign Language VI
ASLTERP.375 ASL Literature
ASLTERP.235 Introduction to Interpreting
ASLTERP.265 Pre-Interpreting Skills
ASLTERP.328 Special Topics in Interpreting
ASLTERP.335 Translation
ASLTERP.365 Consecutive Interpreting
ASLTERP.420 Simultaneous Interpreting
ASLTERP.450 Transliteration
ASLTERP.460 Practicum Seminar
ASLTERP.480 Practicum
ASLTERP.370 Tactile Interpreting
ASLTERP.430 Educational Interpreting
INTSTUDY.100 University Seminar
INTSTUDY.204 Introduction to College Research Writing
DEAFHH.201 History, Education and Guidance of the Deaf
PROFSTUD.312 Internship in Education