Department of Teaching and Learning
Effective Fall 2018
The Playwork Certificate provides students with core content related to the theory of the Playwork profession. This Certificate does not provide students with certification in Playwork, but it is endorsed by both Leeds Beckett University in the United Kingdom, the premier Playwork degree program in the world, and by Skills Active, the premier Playwork accrediating body in the United Kingdom. Students must earn at least a C in each class of the Playwork Certificate program as per College of Education requirements, and must receive advisement from the Department of Teaching and Learning, in regards to course selection.
PROFSTUD.330 Play and Playwork – Practice and Provision
PROFSTUD.331 Playwork Exploratory Practicum
PROFSTUD.332 Playwork – Principles, Policies and Practices
PROFSTUD.333 Creative Playwork
PROFSTUD.334 Childhood and Society
PROFSTUD.335 Playwork Professional Internship
Students must successfully complete PROFSTUD 330, 331, 332 and 333 by earning at least a C in each course. Students can enroll in PROFSTUD 334 and 335 concurrently, but those who do not, must earn at least a C in PROFSTUD 334 before enrolling in PROFSTUD 335.
Upon successful completion of (PROFSTUD 330, 331, 332, 333, 334 and 335), students will receive a Certificate in Playwork from Bloomsburg University.