Administered by Department of Mass Communications
Effective Spring 2016
As per PRP3604: All students earning a first baccalaureate degree will take at least 30 of their last 45 credits at Bloomsburg University, no more credits are required than the 30 credits. All first baccalaureate students will take at least 50% of credits required for the Major from a PASSHE university. Bloomsburg University may require up to a maximum of 50% of the Major credits. Program exceptions to the policy are to be approved by the Office of the Chancellor.
In addition to general education requirements, a total of 39 semester hours is required for a major in Mass Communications. The balance of the university's 120-semester hour requirement for a bachelors' degree comes from elective courses. The department's curriculum ensures better preparation for the changing communications industry. Graduates are trained for careers in Journalism, Public Relations, Telecommunications or Emergent Media/New Media/Digital Media.
MASSCOMM.110 Intro to Mass Communications*
MASSCOMM.310 Media Law and Ethics
MASSCOMM.398 Research Methods in Mass Communication
MASSCOMM.498 Capstone (Senior Seminar included)
MASSCOMM.120 Emergent Media in Mass Communications*
MASSCOMM.230 Newswriting*
MASSCOMM.251 PR Theory & Practice
MASSCOMM.271 Video Production I
MASSCOMM.336 Digital Video Editing
MASSCOMM.367 Video Production II
MASSCOMM.371 Broadcast Journalism
MASSCOMM.436 Advanced Video Editing
MASSCOMM.480 Telecomm Workshop
MASSCOMM.220 Multimedia in Mass Communications I
MASSCOMM.260 Introduction to Mediated Communications
MASSCOMM.280 Visual Communication
MASSCOMM.320 Multimedia in Mass Communications II
MASSCOMM.420 Media Intensive Workshop
MASSCOMM.241 Online Journalism
MASSCOMM.334 Editing
MASSCOMM.340 Feature Writing
MASSCOMM.435 Journalism Workshop
MASSCOMM.446 Magazine Editing and Production
MASSCOMM.352 Publicity and PR
MASSCOMM.455 PR Cases and Problems
MASSCOMM.475 PR Workshop
MASSCOMM.482 Mass Communications Seminar
MASSCOMM.497 Internship in Mass Communications
MASSCOMM.275 Cinema Appreciation*
MASSCOMM.297 Practicum in Mass Communications
MASSCOMM.380 Media Programming and Management
*Course carries General Education points