Administered by Department of English
Effective Fall 2017
The Minor in Creative Writing consists of 18 credit hours, selected to meet the following requirements:
ENGLISH.204 Introduction to Creative Writing
ENGLISH.260 - Literary Non-Fiction
ENGLISH.302 - Non-Fiction Writing Workshop
ENGLISH.274 - Short Story
ENGLISH.301- Fiction Writing Workshop
ENGLISH.280 - Poetry
ENGLISH.303 - Poetry Writing Workshop
THEATRE.102 - Introduction to Theatre
THEATRE.340 - Scriptwriting
ENGLISH.316 - The Practice of Creative Writing
ENGLISH.404 - Creative Writing Seminar
**Any 300 or 400 English Literature course
Any 300 or 400 English Linguistics course
*To take a 300-level Creative Writing Workshop course, students must first complete the related literature course. For example, students need to take ENGLISH.274 -Short Story before taking ENGLISH.301 Fiction Writing Workshop. While it is not a prerequisite in the Theatre Arts B.A., those who wish to count THEATRE.340 toward the Creative Writing minor (or major) must first take THEATRE.102.
**May require instructor permission.