Department of English
Effective Fall 2015
This certificate offers focused work in Linguistics and Theory, Software Usage, and Experiential Learning courses that are focused on the sort of digital rhetoric they are often already doing, but without the specific language to be as effective as they might be. This certificate consists of 30 credit hours to complete.
INTSTUDY.204 Intro to Research Writing*
INTSTUDY.231 Technical Writing*
ENGLISH.212 English Grammar and Usage
ENGLISH.225 Rhetoric and Professional Writing
ENGLISH.308 Advanced Expository Writing
ENGLISH.311 Structure of English
ENGLISH.491 Topics in Criticism
ARTSTDIO.291 Introductory Digital Art
ARTSTDIO.293 Graphic Print Design
INSTTECH.460 Multimedia Production
INSTTECH.470 Introduction to Website Development
ENGLISH.307 Writing for the Internet *
ENGLISH.309 Writing Evaluating Technical Manuals*
ENGLISH.401 Writing in the Professions
ENGLISH.402 Writing in Multiple Media*
ENGLISH.497 English Internship*
ENGLISH.403 Freelancing*
*Pre-requisite required
Approval of the Department Chair or Program Director needed to waive prerequisites.