Bloomsburg University Academic Programs
Academic Catalog

Minor in Gender Studies

Interdisciplinary Program Administered by the College of Liberal Arts

Effective Fall 2016

Courses vary by semester and may be offered in the Departments of Anthropology; Art and Art History: Biological and Allied Health Sciences; Communication Studies;

Economics; English; Exercise Science; History; Languages and Cultures;

Management; Music, Theatre and Dance; Nursing; Philosophy; Political Science; Psychology; Sociology, Social Work and Criminal Justice and those identified as interdisciplinary studies.

Requirements (18 credits)


Students are required to take one course from the list below:

COMMSTUD.309 Gender Issues in Communication

ENGLISH.288 Feminist Reading of Culture

ENGLISH.380 Queer Theory and Cultures

PHIL.408 Feminist Philosophy

POLISCI.377 Feminist Political Theory


Remaining five courses are to be selected from these courses and be from a minimum of three different departments. All courses listed in the Core area, not taken as a core course, may be taken as an elective.

ANTHRO.380 Men and Women

ARTHSTRY.360 Women, Art, and Society

BIOLOGY.230 Human Sexuality

COMMSTUD.492 Special Topics in Organizational Communication (*depends on topics)

CRIMJUST.420 Crime, Social Inequality and Social Identity

ECONOMICS.313 Labor Economics

ENGLISH.152 Literature and Society (*depends on topics)

ENGLISH.156 Popular Literature: Women and Crime Fiction

ENGLISH.286 Women’s Literature Survey

ENGLISH.287 Black Women Writers

ENGLISH.335 Studies in American Literature: Women Writers

ENGLISH.347 Studies in British Literature (*depends on topics)

ENGLISH.377 Modern Drama (*depends on topics)

ENGLISH.388 Gender, Race and Class

ENGLISH.481 Special Topics: Women Writers (*depends on topics)

ENGLISH.491 Topics in Criticism (Offered to seniors with chair approval)

EXERSCI.288 Women in Sports

HISTORY.329 The American Woman

HISTORY.469 Women and Gender in European Intellectual History I

HISTORY.470 Women and Gender in European Intellectual History II

MGMT.355 Managing Multicultural Organizations

NURSING.240 Contemporary Women’s Health

POLISCI.222 Women and Politics

POLISCI.492 Seminar in Government and Politics

PSYCH.350 Psychology of Sex and Gender

SOC.231 Marriage and Family

SOC.320 Sociology of Gender

SPANISH.281-289 Special Topics: Women in Spanish Literature

Petitions for Independent Research or Internships

Independent studies, departmental research and writing courses, and internships can be counted toward the Minor if the project, study, or agency specifically reflects the curriculum goals of the Women's Studies Minor upon approval by the advisory board members.