Administered by: Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics
Effective Fall 2015
Mathematics B.A. Statistics Track - The Statistics track prepares students for a variety of careers in statistics in research, industry and government and provides a base for work at the graduate level. Students planning to continue with graduate studies should take MATH.225 and MATH.462. The track provides a foundation in mathematics as well as courses in statistical methodology, computer programming and statistical software.
MATH.141 Introduction to Statistics
MATH.125 Calculus I
MATH.126 Calculus II
MATH.185 Discrete Mathematics
MATH.240 Statistical Methods
MATH.241 Probability and Statistics
MATH.314 Linear Algebra
MATH.340 Statistical Software
MATH.342 Design and Analysis of Experiments
MATH.343 Applied Regression Analysis
MATH.410 Mathematical Modeling
Option A1) COMPSCI.121 Object-Oriented Programming with Java
Option A2) COMPSCI.122 Graphical User Interfaces in Java or other 300 or higher COMPSCI course (3 to 4 credits)
Option B1) COMPSCI.123 Visual Basic I
Option B2) COMPSCI.223 Visual Basic II
MATH.225 Calculus III
MATH.243 Nonparametric Statistics
MATH.373 Numerical Methods
MATH.374 Introduction to Discrete Systems Simulation
MATH.441 Mathematics and Sports
MATH.461 Probability Models and Applications
MATH.462 Mathematical Statistics
MATH.491 Special Topics in Mathematics
Six credits minimum in a discipline to which Statistics is applied. Consult Advisor; may be applied to Gen Ed distribution requirement. (Biology, Economics, Geology, Geography and Psychology)