Administered by Biological and Allied Health Sciences
Effective Fall, 2006
The option provides a biology major the opportunity to specialize in natural history biology while obtaining a general background in biology.
A maximum of 3 cr hr of BIOLOGY.490 may be applied as biology elective credit toward the degree. A maximum of 6 cr hr from among BIOLOGY.390, BIOLOGY.391, BIOLOGY.490, BIOLOGY.493 and BIOLOGY.494 may be applied as biology elective credit toward the degree.
BIOLOGY.114 Concepts in Biology I
BIOLOGY.115 Concepts in Biology II
BIOLOGY.233 Human Genetics
BIOLOGY.242 Microbiology
BIOLOGY.351 Ecology
BIOLOGY.430 Evolution
BIOLOGY.481 Senior Biology Seminar
BIOLOGY.200 Dendrology
BIOLOGY.211 Invertebrate Zoology
BIOLOGY.212 Vertebrate Zoology
BIOLOGY.222 Comparative Biology of Plants
BIOLOGY.361 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
BIOLOGY.450 Mycology
BIOLOGY.457 Entomology
BIOLOGY.459 Ornithology
BIOLOGY.460 Population Biology
BIOLOGY.461 Animal Behavior
MARSCI.221 Marine Invertebrates
MARSCI.300 Behavior of Marine Organisms
MARSCI.320 Marine Microbiology
MARSCI.330 Tropical Invertebrates
MARSCI.342 Marine Botany
MARSCI.343 Marine Ichthyology
MARSCI.345 Marine Ornithology
MARSCI.431 Ecology of Marine Plankton
MARSCI.441 Biology of Molluscs
MARSCI.492 Marine Mammals
MARSCI.493 Behavioral Ecology
BIOLOGY.200 Dendrology
BIOLOGY.252 Field Zoology
BIOLOGY.253 Freshwater Biology
BIOLOGY.263 Field Botany
BIOLOGY.452 Limnology
BIOLOGY.457 Entomology
BIOLOGY.459 Ornithology
GEOSCI.120 Physical Geology
GEOSCI.121 Physical Geology Lab
GEOSCI.130 Historical Geology
GEOSCI.131 Historical Geology Lab
MATH.141 Introduction to Statistics
BIOLOGY.200 Dendrology
BIOLOGY.211 Invertebrate Zoology
BIOLOGY.212 Vertebrate Zoology
BIOLOGY.222 Comparative Biology of Plants
BIOLOGY.252 Field Zoology
BIOLOGY.253 Freshwater Biology
BIOLOGY.263 Field Botany
BIOLOGY.331 Embryology
BIOLOGY.333 Molecular Biology
BIOLOGY.350 Plant Pathology
BIOLOGY.361 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
BIOLOGY.364 Vertebrate Histology
BIOLOGY.390 Undergraduate Research in Biology 1
BIOLOGY.391 Undergraduate Research in Biology 2
BIOLOGY.450 Mycology
BIOLOGY.451 Conservation Biology
BIOLOGY.452 Limnology
BIOLOGY.455 Environmental Microbiology
BIOLOGY.457 Entomology
BIOLOGY.459 Ornithology
BIOLOGY.460 Population Biology
BIOLOGY.461 Animal Behavior
BIOLOGY.480 Comparative Animal Physiology
BIOLOGY.490 Internship in Biology
BIOLOGY.493 Honors Independent Study 1
BIOLOGY.494 Honors Independent Study 2
CHEM.115 Chemistry for the Sciences 1
CHEM.101 Introductory Chemistry
GEOSCI.360 Introduction to Paleontology (recommended)
GEOSCI.259 Oceanography
GEOSCI.260 Earth Materials
GEOSCI.265 Geomorphology
MARSCI.221 Marine Invertebrates
MARSCI.241 Marine Biology
MARSCI.250 Wetland Ecology
MARSCI.260 Marine Ecology
MARSCI.298 Physiology of Marine Invertebrates
MARSCI.300 Behavior of Marine Organisms
MARSCI.320 Marine Microbiology
MARSCI.330 Tropical Invertebrates
MARSCI.342 Marine Botany
MARSCI.343 Marine Ichthyology
MARSCI.345 Marine Ornithology
MARSCI.394 Comparative Physiology of Marine Organisms
MARSCI.431 Ecology of Marine Plankton
MARSCI.432 Marine Evolutionary Ecology
MARSCI.441 Biology of Molluscs
MARSCI.464 Biological Oceanography
MARSCI.470 Research Diver Methods
MARSCI.490 Marine Aquaculture
MARSCI.491 Coral Reef Ecology
MARSCI.492 Marine Mammals
MARSCI.493 Behavioral Ecology