Administered by Department of English
Effective Fall 2015
The Minor in Digital Rhetoric and Professional Writing consists of 18 credit hours, selected from the courses below to meet the following requirements:
One course from the following:
INTSTUDY.231 Technical Writing*
BUSED.333 Business Comm. and Report Writing
One course from the following:
ENGLISH.212 English Grammar and Usage
ENGLISH.225 Rhetoric and Professional Writing (option of traditional or on line)*
ENGLISH.311 Structure of English
ENGLISH.312 History of the English Language
ENGLISH.397 Writing Center Consulting (at least 3 credits)
ARTHSTRY.460 Research and Writing in Art History*
HISTORY 298 Historiography and Historical Methods
HISTORY 398 Research and Writing Skills in History *
ANTHRO 385 Anthropology Research and Writing Skills *
BIOLOGY 290 Writing in Biology *
Two courses from the following
ARTSTDIO 291 Introductory Digital Art
ARTSTDIO 293 Graphic Print Design
INSTTECH.460 Multimedia Production (option of traditional or on line)
INSTTECH.470 Intro to Website Dev (option of traditional or online)
Two courses from the following:
ENGLISH 307 Writing for the Internet *
ENGLISH 309 Writing/Evaluating Technical Manuals *
ENGLISH 401 Writing in the Professions*
ENGLISH 402 Writing in Multiple Media *
ENGLISH 403 Freelancing for Professional Writers (with approval of Dept.
* indicates there is a pre-requisite for this course (check with advisor or program director to make sure of needed pre-requisite)