Computer Science (B.S.)
Administered by: Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics
Effective Fall 2014
A total of 120 credits are needed for a Bachelor of Science degree.
Required CS courses for the major (39 credits)
- COMPSCI.121 Object-Oriented Programming with Java (4)
- COMPSCI.122 Graphical User Interfaces in Java (4)
- COMPSCI.221 Advanced Java (4)
- COMPSCI.240 Embedded Systems Languages (3)
- COMPSCI.255 Data Structures using C++ (4)
- COMPSCI.330 Computer Organization (3)
- COMPSCI.350 Organizational of Programming Languages (3)
- COMPSCI.355 Analysis of Algorithms and Data Structures (3)
- COMPSCI.357 Principles of Database Design (3)
- COMPSCI.360 Computer Ethics, Social Impact and Security (3)
- COMPSCI.386 Concurrent Programming and Foundations of Operating Systems (3)
- COMPSCI.480 Object-Oriented Software Engineering (4)
Required mathematics courses for the major (15 credits)
- MATH.125 Calculus I (3)
- MATH.126 Calculus II (3)
- MATH.185 Discrete Mathematics (3)
- MATH.141 Introduction to Statistics or MATH.241 Probability and Statistics (3)
Any mathematics course numbered MATH.200 or higher (3)
- CS electives (choose a minimum of 9 credits)
- COMPSCI.323 Artificial Intelligence (3)
- COMPSCI.348 Data Mining (3)
- COMPSCI.356 Windows Programming (3)
- COMPSCI.373 Numerical Methods in Computing (3)
- COMPSCI.375 Local Area Networks (3)
- COMPSCI.410 Computer Graphics (3)
- COMPSCI.430 Computer Architecture (3)
- COMPSCI.456 Theory of Computation (3)
- COMPSCI.457 Database Design II (3)
- COMPSCI.461 Internet Programming (3)
- COMPSCI.491 Special Topics in Computer Science (3)
- COMPSCI.497 Internship in Computer Science (3)
Mathematics and Science Electives (15)
At least 12 credits of science from 2 different departments, including a two-semester laboratory sequence, and at least 3 additional credits of either science or math. Only approved science courses will satisfy these requirements. A list of approved science courses can be obtained from the department webpage.
General Education requirements for the major (9)
- COMMSTUD.103 Public Speaking (3)
- ENGLISH.101 Foundations of College Writing (3)
- INTSTUDY.231 Technical Writing (3)
The remaining credits required for graduation are satisfied by (33):
- Values course (3)
- Group A courses (9)
- Group B courses (12)
- Free electives (9)