Administered by Department of Languages and Cultures
Effective Fall 2014
A total of 33 semester hours is required for a major in Arabic Studies. Students must receive a minimum grade of C in every course required for the major.
LANGCULT.200 Comparative Cultural Studies
LANGCULT.400 Comparative Language Studies
ARABIC.101 Elementary Arabic I
ARABIC.102 Elementary Arabic II
ARABIC.203 Intermediate Arabic III
ARABIC.204 Intermediate Arabic IV
ARABIC.305 Arabic for Advanced Communication 1
ARABIC 306 Arabic for Advanced Communication 2
ARABIC.211 Cultures in the Arabic-Speaking World
ARABIC.212 Euro-Arab Cinema
a) Humanities and Social Sciences:
HISTORY.146 History of the Muslim World since 1405
HISTORY.145 History of the Muslim World to 1405
HISTORY.456 History of the Modern Middle East
HISTORY.457 Early Ottoman Empire
HISTORY.458 Late Ottoman Empire
ANTHRO.320 Contemporary World Cultures
ANTHRO.440 Languages and Culture
FRENCH.212 France Today
FRENCH.402 Contemporary Issues in Francophone Media
ECONOMIC.333 International Economics
ECONOMIC.340 Economics of the Middle East
ECONOMIC.533 Int Pol & Relations
POLISCI.181 Contemporary Issues in World Politics
POLISCI.280 Introduction to International Relations
POLISCI.345 Democratization and Regime Change
POLISCI.376 Government and Politics of the Middle East