Administered by Educational Studies and Secondary Education
Effective Fall 2008
The School Administrator: School Principal K-12 Certification Program is administered in the Department of Educational Studies and Secondary Education. The program provides graduate students with a program of study focused on developing "Instructional leaders: to fulfill the role as elementary, middle, and high school principals. This high quality program meets the need for School Principals who understand and can implement standards-based curriculum, performance assessment, the appropriate use of technology for teaching and management, and current best practices in teaching and learning.
The program includes 24 credits of course work and six credits of field experiences and internship. The majority of the courses are offered in the Department of Educational Studies and Secondary Education. The course Managerial Principals (MGMT.500) will be offered by the Department of Management, which is located in the College of Business. The Department of Exceptionality programs will offer the course Special Education for Administrators (SPECED.501). Candidates can choose to take the course Knowledge and Curriculum (ELEMED.524), which is offered by the Department of Early Childhood and Elementary Education and has an emphasis on elementary curriculum.
Faculty use a variety of teaching methods; however, most courses use constructivist teaching practices. Students will complete 120 hours of simulations and field experiences, as well as a 120 hour internship. The appropriate use of technology for administration, teaching, and learning is imbedded within courses throughout the curriculum. Candidates demonstrate the appropriate use of technology through presentations, research, and the use of appropriate software.
Each course includes various forms of assessment appropriate to the course, which might include written tests, research papers, and/or projects. All candidates will prepare a performance assessment portfolio. This portfolio will include artifacts that demonstrate candidates have achieved the knowledge, skills, and dispositions listed in the Pennsylvania Department of Education Specific Guidelines for School Administrator K-12
EDFOUND.573 Introduction to Educational Administration (3)
EDFOUND.576 School Law and Finance (3)
SECED.513 Instructional Leadership and Supervision (3) (Adm. Leadership in Education)
EDFOUND.583 Seminar in Education: Organizational Behavior (3) OR MGMT.500 Managerial Principles
EDFOUND.514 Home, School, Community Relations (3)
EDFOUND.579 Supervision of Curriculum and Instruction (3)
SPECED.501 Special Education for Administrators (3)
EDFOUND.540 Data Driven Decisions for 21st Century Schools (3)
EDFOUND.580 Principal Practicum (3) or PROFSTUD.525 Internship in Educational Administration (3)
Candidates for the Principalship are required to take the praxis exam 10410
Educational Leadership: Administration and Supervision