Administered by Department of Biological and Allied Health Sciences
Effective Fall 2008
Physician assistants work under the supervision of and in collaboration with physicians. They provide a broad range of diagnostic, educational, and therapeutic patient care services. Most physician assistant education programs are now at the masters degree level. We strongly recommend that students complete the B.S. in Health Sciences degree at Bloomsburg and then transfer to a masters physician assistant degree program. These programs are typically 2 years in length. Bloomsburg students have been admitted into many different physician assistant schools; there are 15 in Pennsylvania.
It is strongly recommended that students follow the B.S. in Health Sciences curriculum and work closely with their advisor to ensure an efficient plan of study to meet the varying requirements for admission into PA programs. The courses listed below are required by many physician assistant mid-entry and master's degree programs and these fit into the B.S. Health Sciences curriculum (see Health Sciences BS).
BIOLOGY.107 Medical Terminology
BIOLOGY.114 Concepts in Biology I
BIOLOGY.173 Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOLOGY.174 Anatomy and Physiology II
BIOLOGY.242 Microbiology
BIOLOGY.233 Human Genetics
CHEM.115 Chemistry for the Sciences I
CHEM.116 Chemistry for the Sciences II
CHEM.230 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
CHEM.341 Biochemistry
ENGLISH.101 English Composition I
ENGLISH.201 English Composition II
MATH.116 Algebra for Health Sciences (or higher math)
MATH.141 Introduction to Statistics or PSYCH.160 Basic Statistics
PHIL.290 Medical Ethics
PSYCH.101 General Psychology
PSYCH.210 Life Span Psychology
SOC.211 Principles of Sociology
Internship and/or volunteer experience in health care is required by most schools