Administered by the Departments of Psychology and Sociology, Social Welfare and Criminal Justice
Effective: Spring 2009
This program is designed to help prepare students for entry-level positions working with children, youth, or family services. Because of the wide variation in possible career objectives held by individuals entering the concentration, course options are extremely flexible. Courses and experiences are drawn from a variety of University faculties including Psychology, Sociology/Social Welfare/Criminal Justice, Exceptionality Programs, Elementary Education, Anthropology, and others. The program consists of a minimum of 30 credit hours selected from a core emphasis, a content emphasis, a method or skills emphasis, and a fieldwork experience. Options are available in each emphasis so that a personalized experience may be designed.
ANTHRO.200 Principles of Cultural Anthropology
PSYCH.101 General Psychology
PSYCH.211 Early Child Development or PSYCH.212 Adolescent Development
PSYCH.160 Appl Stats for the Beh Sciences or SOC.260 Basic Social Statistics
SOC.211 Principles of Sociology
SOCWORK.133 Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare
SPECED.101 Introduction to Exceptional Individuals
ANTHRO.333 Ethnic Identity in the United States
ANTHRO.380 Men and Women
ANTHRO.390 Socialization of the Child
ART.205 Children's Art
BIOLOGY.205 Introduction to Nutrition
CRIMJUST.300 Juvenile Delinquency
CRIMJUST.320 Victimology
ELEMED.121 Introduction to Early Childhood Education
ELEMED.322 Seminar in Learning Experiences with Young Children
ELEMED.371 Teaching Reading in Elementary School
PSYCH.335 Abnormal Psychology
PSYCH.337 Developmental Psychopathology
PSYCH.350 Psychology of Sex and Gender
SOC.215 Racial and Ethnic Minorities
SOC.231 Marriage and Family
SOC.320 Sociology of Women
SOC.513 Adolescents in American Society
SOCWORK.236 Child Welfare
SOCWORK.453 Social Welfare Policy
SPECED.206 Introduction to Early Intervention
SPECED.240 Foundations of Special Education
SPECED.250 Behavior Disorders
DEAFHH.153 Introduction to Sign Language
PSYCH.321 Psychological Tests and Measurements
PSYCH.340 Community Psychology
PSYCH.406 Psychology Seminar on Child Maltreatment
PSYCH.439 Introduction to Clinical Psychology
PSYCH.466 Independent Study
PSYCH.476 Principles of Behavior Modification
SOCWORK.334 Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families
SOCWORK.450 Social Work Practice with Small Groups
SOCWORK.451 Family Counseling
SOCWORK.452 Social Work Practice with Organizations and Communities
SPECED.375 Individual Project
CRIMJUST.495 Criminal Justice Internship
PSYCH.497 Psychology Practicum
SOC.496 Sociology Internship
SOCWORK.297 Introductory Practice Experience in Social Work
SOCWORK.497 Social Work Internship
SPECED.340 Educating Individuals with Moderate/Severe Disabilities
SPECED.375 Individual Project