Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania

Special Education (BSED) - PK-8/Early Childhood Education PK-4 Dual Certification

The following course sequence sheet is for illustrative purposes only and should not be construed as formal academic advisement. Course selections and sequence may vary depending on course availability and counsel from your academic adviser. You should consult an academic adviser before developing an actual academic plan.

Cr. First Semester Cr. Second Semester
109.100 University Seminar (major-specific section)370.206 Intro to Early Intervention
370.101 Intro to Indv w/ Exceptionalities370.275 Linking Assmnt/Inst
320.101 Composition I348.101 General Psychology
342.121 US History pre-1877354.103 Principles of Physical Science
 or 42.122 US History post-18773Gen Ed Quantitative
362.121 Intro to ECE  
3Gen Ed Group A
16Total Semester Credits15Total Semester Credits
Cr.Third SemesterCr.Fourth Semester
370.202 Technology for Indv w/ Disabilities350.100 Cells/Genes/Molecules
3Writing Intensive Lit Course (rec. 20.152  or 50.101 Human Biology
 Lit & Society)325.103 Public Speaking
 or 20.201 Comp II or 25.104 Interpers Comm
348.211 Early Child Development3Gen Ed Group B
353.201 Math Concepts I362.218 Teaching Math EC B-K
 or 53.202 Math Concepts II360.291 Principles of Teaching
362.214 Teaching Reading EC B-K1Gen Ed Survival, Fitness & Recreation
1Gen Ed Survival, Fitness & Recreation
16Total Semester Credits16Total Semester Credits
Cr.Fifth SemesterCr.Seventh Semester
360.406 Multicultural Education3Gen Ed Group A
370.358 Methods of Instruction362.336 Teaching Soc St EC PK-4
370.417 Behavior Intervention/Support362.347 Fine Arts & Dev Child
360.414 Home/School/Comm372.432 ELL: Comm/Ed Strat
362.340 Teaching Math EC 1-4 or 79.494 ESL Strat/Meth
362.331 Teaching Sci/Env Ed PK-4370.449 Assessment/Planning
370.450 Inst Pract PK-8 (Mild)
18Total Semester Credits18Total Semester Credits
Cr.Sixth SemesterCr.Eighth Semester
3Gen Ed Group C1270.489 Student Teaching
362.334 Teaching Reading EC 1-4370.461 Student Teaching Seminar
362.343 Assessment in ECE  
370.430 Inst Pract PK-8 (Mod/Sev)  
370.433 Literacy Instruction
15Total Semester Credits15Total Semester Credits


The sequence of General Education courses is an example only; they may be taken in any order.

Students may count 1 Communications, Quantitative or Values course towards Gen Ed Group A, B or C.

This sample program counts 20.152 as both Communications and Group A; consult advisor for other options.