Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania

Reading (M.Ed.)

The following course sequence sheet is for illustrative purposes only and should not be construed as formal academic advisement. Course selections and sequence may vary depending on course availability and counsel from your academic adviser. You should consult an academic adviser before developing an actual academic plan.

Master's Degree Graduation Check Sheet

Program of Study: Master of Education


# of credits required for graduation 36
Required: Credits
63.540 Intro. to the Teaching of Reading3 
63.541 Reading Assessment and Intervention3 
63.545 Organization & Adm. of Reading Prog.3 
63.546 Reading in the Content Areas3 
63.550 Literature, Literacy, and Culture3 
63.551 Early Literacy Learning: G R and W3 
63.553 Practicum in Rdg, Wrtg, & Word Stdy 6 
60.584 C & I Theory, Design & Development
62.524 Knowledge & Curriculum3 
63.547 Seminar in Reading Or
79.591 Research in Education Or
70.565 Reading & Interpreting Research 3 
63.559 Writing Process in the Classroom  
60.522 Internet for Teachers  
60.527 Classroom Management & Effec. Disc.  
60.515 Integrated Technology in Teaching  
(any relevant graduate course approved by advisor)  

Total credits:__________ GPA:__________________