Bloomsburg University Academic Programs


General Education Requirements

Effective Fall 2009

Bloomsburg University’s General Education program consists of two distinct components. Within the first component there are five specific areas; Communication, Quantitative/Analytical Reasoning, Values, Ethics, and Responsible Decision Making, Fitness and Recreation Skills and Diversity Requirements. The second component consists of Distribution Requirements from each of the three general academic areas of Humanities, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences and Mathematics.

For a complete understanding of the General Education Requirements visit

PRP 3612 Official General Education Requirements Policy.

For related information on Undergraduate Degree requirements, visit

PRP 3604 Undergraduate Graduation Requirements.

For more specific information on the various components of the General Education Policy, visit the appropriate link below:

Specific Requirements - Communication (Goal 1 - Nine Credits)

Specific Requirements - Quantitative/Analytical Reasoning (Goal 2 - Three Credits)

Specific Requirements - Values, Ethics and Reasoning (Goal 3 - Three Credits)

Specific Requirements - Fitness and Recreation Skills (Goal 4 - Two Credits)

Specific Requirements - Diversity Requirements (Goal 7 and 10 – Six Credits)

Distribution Requirements - Group A (Humanities) (Goal 5, 6, 9 and 10 - Twelve Credits)

Distribution Requirements - Group B (Social Sciences) (Goal 5, 7, 9 and 10 - Twelve Credits)

Distribution Requirements - Group C (Natural Sciences and Mathematics) (Goal 5, 8, and 9 - Twelve Credits)