Administered by Department of Exceptionality Programs
Effective Fall 2009
63.530 Theoretical Foundations of Reading (3) - This course examines the historical, philosophical, sociological, physiological and psychological foundations of reading. Topics include the history of teaching reading, various legal, historical, and socio-cultural implications in the teaching of reading, and the examination of the theoretical basis for reading which have direct practical implication for teaching reading. Three hours lecture per week.
63.531 Reading Curriculum and Instruction (3) - This course examines the evaluation and design process of reading curriculum and instruction. Topics include best practices, technology-based curriculum, theoretical perspectives of curriculum, and the selection process of reading curriculum materials. This course requires 5 hours of field experience for observing operational reading curriculum. Three hours lecture per week.
63.540 Introduction to the Teaching of Reading (3) - Focuses on components of a balanced literacy program; designed to develop a knowledge base and instructional competence with literacy instruction for inclusive classrooms. Three hours lecture per week.
63.541 Reading Assessment and Intervention (3) - Focuses on informal and formal assessment techniques with an emphasis on using assessment to design appropriate intervention programs and techniques; topics include miscue analysis, informal reading inventories, and standardized testing. Three hours lecture per week.
63.545 Organization and Administration of Reading Programs (3) - For classroom teachers, reading specialists, and resource room specialists who are involved with a school district’s reading program; emphasizes a working knowledge of professional development requirements, job descriptions, guidelines for programs funded through federal or state agencies, resources for exemplary reading programs, program evaluation, and parent involvement. Three hours lecture per week.
63.546 Reading in the Content Areas (3) -Presents theory and related teaching strategies for content area instruction in grades 4-12; topics include the reading process, textbook evaluations, and strategies for improving comprehension, vocabulary, and study skills. Three hours lecture per week.
63.547 Seminar in Reading (3) -Explores historically significant and recent research in the field of reading. Topics focus strongly on research related to early reading instruction, phonemic awareness, fluency, and comprehension. Three hours lecture per week.
63.548 Reading for the At-Risk Learner (3) - Emphasizes methodology related to improving the reading skills of at-risk learners; focuses on developmentally appropriate practices, developmental stages of word knowledge, adapting instruction for diverse learners, and teaching ESL children. Three hours lecture per week.
63.550 Literature, Literacy, and Culture (3) - Explores the role of literature in improving students’ reading, writing, and language growth in grades K-12 Focuses on the role of multicultural literature in promoting cross-cultural understandings in a student-centered language arts program. Specific topics include selecting literature, developing thematic units, organizing the classroom, implementing literature circles, and evaluating students’ literacy growth. Three hours lecture per week.
63.551 Early Literacy Learning: Guided Reading and Writing for the Classroom (3) –Inservice teachers learn how to implement principles and practices of guided reading in K-3 classrooms. Focuses on conducting on-going literacy assessments, organizing instruction, developing literacy centers, using leveled texts, and meeting the needs of all learners in the classroom. Three hours lecture per week.
63.552 Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum (3) - This course is designed to provide classroom teachers (grades 4-8) with current theory and practice in integrating literacy instruction across the curriculum. Topics include theoretical and research foundations for process writing and literature-based instruction, fostering discussion in a reading-writing classroom, connecting reading and writing to the content areas, designing assessment with learners in mind, and meeting Pennsylvania’s academic standards. Three hours lecture per week.
63.553 Practicum in Reading, Writing, and Word Study (6) - A supervised, field-based practicum in which students plan and implement literacy lessons for children who struggle with reading. Literacy lessons focus on reading, writing, and word study. Prerequisites: 63.540, 63.541, 63.546, 63.548 or consent of advisor.
63.559 Writing Process in the Classroom (3) - Inservice teachers and preservice teachers learn how to implement the writing workshop in K-8 classrooms. Focuses on building a foundation for writing and understanding the elements of powerful writing across genres. Three hours lecture per week. Pre-requisites: None.