Administered by Department of Communication Studies and Theatre Arts
Effective Fall 2010
25.102 Introduction to Communication Studies (3) - This large lecture survey course introduces students to the field of communication studies by examining applied research findings across major contexts. Students will learn about seminal and important works in each context. Completion of the course will yield a broad overview of communication studies and a basic understanding of prototypical studies across the discipline. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: None.
25.103 Public Speaking (3) - Introduces students to the verbal, nonverbal, and organizational skills necessary for giving effective public presentations. Students will learn the theory and principles of effective public speaking and practice these principles by performing and analyzing speeches. Students will complete at least three major speaking assignments. This course satisfies one additional course requirement from the approved list of communication courses for general education requirements/This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week.
25.104 Interpersonal Communication (3) - Introduces students to the process of interpersonal communication. Students will explore the role of conversations and relationships to enhance their participation in daily interactions and their critical awareness of the process. This course satisfies one additional course requirement from the approved list of communication courses for general education requirements/This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week.
25.106 Small Group Communication (3) - This course examines communication principles and practices of successfully leading and participating in small groups. This course satisfies one additional course requirement from the approved list of communication courses for general education requirements/This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week.
25.205 Understanding Social Influence (3) - Provides students with an historical overview of an intellectual tradition whose theories enhance understanding of how to induce cooperation among others, shape social values, and sway decision making. Armed with this knowledge, students will be better prepared to advocate and lead in public affairs. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: Completion of 25.103 Public Speaking or 25.104 Interpersonal Communication or by permission of instructor.
25.206 Oral Interpretation of Literature (3) - Provides practice in skills necessary for conveying intellectual and emotional meanings in poetry and prose read to an audience. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week.
25.207 Communication Research Methods (3) - Introduces students to the empirical research process in the field of communication studies. Students will learn the basics of empirical research including the planning of studies, quantitative designs, qualitative designs, nonparametric/parametric data analysis, interpretation of results, and scientific measurement of variables. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: Communication Studies majors/minors only and completion of either 25.103 Public Speaking or 25.104 Interpersonal Communication or by permission of instructor.
25.209 Examining Communication (3) - Introduces students to the art of communication analysis and to a variety of critical approaches which help students negotiate their way through a world of messages that compete for attention, influence beliefs and decisions, affect social change, and craft cultural identities. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Communication Studies majors/minors only and completion of either 25.103 Public Speaking or 25.104 Interpersonal Communication or by permission of instructor. Three hours lecture per week.
25.215 Communication Theory (3) - Surveys theories of communication studies, both general theories and those specific to particular contexts such as intrapersonal, interpersonal, small group, intercultural, and public communication. A wide range of readings reflects the multi-disciplinary nature of contemporary communication studies. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: Communication Studies majors/minors only and completion of either 25.103 Public Speaking or 25.104 Interpersonal Communication or by permission of instructor.
25.218 Discussion (3) - Presents a survey of and practice in types and patterns of public discussion and study of informal discussion characteristics and application. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week.
25.220 Intercultural Communication (3) - Explores communication in cultural contexts. Students will be exposed to general principles for communication across cultures, both international and domestic, with the goal of becoming competent communicators. In addition to dealing with "international" contacts such as exchange programs and orientation to travel abroad, and or study abroad, the course will explore "co-cultural" variations--that is, similarities and differences of individuals within the United States, and cultural differences and similarities transnationally in race, gender, sexual orientation, age, and condition of disability. Three hours lecture per week. This course is approved as a Diversity General Education Course/This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements.
25.306 Computer Applications for Professional Communicators (3) - Familiarizes students with a variety of computer programs used in the field of communication. Students will learn the theory and procedures of desktop publishing, multimedia presentations, and website design. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: Communication Studies majors/minors only and completion of 25.103 Public Speaking, or permission of instructor.
25.307 Communication for Business Professionals (3) - Studies business and professional communication, selling skills and methods, leading and participating in groups, and interviewing. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: Communication Studies majors/minors only and have completed 25.104 Interpersonal Communication, or by permission of instructor.
25.309 Gender Issues in Communication (3) - Presents a broad range of theories concerning the nature of differences in communication behavior between the sexes and the presumed origins of such differences. It also examines communication theories about relationships between the sexes in families and other intimate associations, in business roles, and in society at large. The primary focus is on contemporary U.S. society, but some historical and cross-cultural contrasts will also be explored. This course is approved as a Diversity General Education Course/This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: Communication Studies majors/minors only and have completed 25.104 Interpersonal Communication, or by permission of instructor.
25.310 Organizational Communication Theory (3) - Explores theoretical and practical aspects of how communication patterns develop in organizations, and what effect these patterns have on various organizational processes and outcomes. Students will examine specific communication issues relevant in all types of organizations as well as discussing contemporary issues which modern organizations must face. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: Communication Studies majors/minors only and have completed 25.104 Interpersonal Communication, or by permission of instructor.
25.313 Conflict Management and Resolution (3) - Analyzes the role of communication in the generation, process, and management of destructive and constructive conflict on interpersonal, small group, organizational, and societal levels. Three hours lecture per week. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Prerequisites: Communication Studies majors/minors only and completion of 25.104 Interpersonal Communication, or by permission of instructor.
25.315 Persuasion (3) - Examines the way people use symbols to influence other people. It provides practice in crafting, presenting and evaluating persuasive messages. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: Communication Studies majors/minors only and completion of 25.103 Public Speaking, or by permission of instructor.
25.321 Argument and Analysis (3) - Focuses on the techniques of reason-giving in communicative situations, analyzing controversial issues, the validity of claims and evidence, the detection of fallacies, and the ability to effectively communicate a point of view and refute the contentions of others. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: Communication Studies majors/minors only and completion of 25.103 Public Speaking, or by permission of instructor.
25.324 Health Communication (3) - Examines the social construction of illness identity, health issues, and health practices. By analyzing the historicity of Western medicine, doctor-patient dialogue, multicultural health communities, the politics of medicine, and illness narratives, students will better understand how health and illness are symbolically and culturally constructed and how to more effectively communicate interpersonally with, and possibly as, health care professionals. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Prerequisites: Communication Studies majors/minors only and completion of 25.104 Interpersonal Communication, or by permission of instructor. Three hours lecture per week.
25.407 Interviewing (3) - Allows students to explore the interview as a specific communication event, with its own rules, procedures and strategies. It acquaints students with a variety of interview contexts, such as selection, performance appraisal, informational, helping, sales, and health care, by blending current theory and research with practical skills and applications. In this applied course students will prepare and conduct interviews, and receive feedback on their oral and written performances. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: Completion of either 25.205 Understanding Social Influence or 25.215 Communication Theory, and completion of all core courses (25.103, 25.104, 25.207, 25.209, 25.220), or by permission of instructor. Students must have earned a minimum grade of C in 25.207 and 25.209.
25.412 Statecraft and Diplomacy (3) - Statecraft and Diplomacy invites students to explore the forms and practices of strategic communication and their influence on contemporary global society. Course participants will learn to plan, develop, and manage effective strategic communication plans for corporations, NGOs, or government agencies. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Prerequisites: 25.103 and/or 25.104, two courses from 25.215, 25.220, 25.207 or 25.209, and one from 25.207 or 25.209 all prerequisites require a grade of a C- or better. Three hours lecture per week.
25.413 Community Leadership (3) - Identifies the communication skills that leaders need to help influence the information environment and the collective action of community members. We will adopt a rhetorical perspective in examining leadership within the contexts of political communication and social movement rhetoric. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: Completion of either 25.205 Understanding Social Influence or 25.215 Communication Theory, and completion of all core courses (25.103, 25.104, 25. 207, 25.209, 25.220), or by permission of instructor. Students must have earned a minimum grade of C in 25.207 and 25.209.
25.417 Media and Visual Culture (3) - Develops students' skills for evaluating communication in a variety of mediated contexts by learning theoretical concepts from media, visual, and cultural studies and applying them to real-world examples. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: Completion of either 25.205 Understanding Social Influence or 25.215 Communication Theory, and completion of all core courses (25.103, 25.104, 25.207, 25.209, 25.220), or by permission of instructor. Students must have earned a minimum grade of C in 25.207 and 25.209.
25.418 Issue and Image Campaigns (3) - Encompasses the role of campaigns in shaping social, cultural, and political agendas; theoretical foundations of persuasive campaigns; and effective strategies for creating, maintaining, and restoring image as a fitting response to emergent issues. Students participate in the planning of an actual issue and image campaign proposal to gain experience as persuasive strategists. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: Completion of either 25.205 Understanding Social Influence or 25.215 Communication Theory, and completion of all core courses (25.103, 25.104, 25.207, 25.209, 25.220), or by permission of instructor. Students must have earned a minimum grade of C in 25.207 and 25.209.
25.419 Family Communication (3) - Focuses on the interaction patterns and communication dynamics that define families and shape family functioning. Students will learn about the theories and methods used in and applications of contemporary family research. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: Completion of either 25.205 Understanding Social Influence or 25.215 Communication Theory, and completion of all core courses (25.103, 25.104, 25.207, 25.209, 25.220), or by permission of instructor. Students must have earned a minimum grade of C in 25.207 and 25.209.
25.420 Nonverbal Communication (3) - Provides an overview of the forms and functions of nonverbal communication including: distinctions between nonverbal and verbal communication, codes of nonverbal communication, the communication of emotions, sex and nonverbal communication, nonverbal immediacy, nonverbal communication in power and persuasion, and the role of nonverbal communication in deception. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Prerequisites: Completion of either 25.205 Understanding Social Influence or 25.215 Communication Theory, and completion of all core courses (25.103, 25.104, 25.207, 25.209, 25.220), or by permission of instructor. Students must
have earned a minimum grade of C in 25.207 and 25.209.Three hours lecture per week.
25.423 Communication Training in Organizations (3) - Focuses on advanced presentation skills for students exploring career opportunities as communication trainers or as professionals engaged in, or facilitating, adult learning. This class provides an overview of the training process including topics such as: needs assessment and task analysis, theories of adult learning, curriculum and content development, persuasion and personal selling, preparation/presentation of workshop sessions, and the evaluation of outcomes. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: Completion of either 25.205 Understanding Social Influence or 25.215 Communication Theory, and completion of all core courses (25.103, 25.104, 25.207, 25.209, 25.220), or by permission of instructor. Students must have earned a minimum grade of C in 25.207 and 25.209.
25.424 Corporate Communication (3) - Focuses on advanced communication skills for students exploring career opportunities as a publicist or corporate writer in an organization, or an independent communication consultant. As an overview of the corporate communication process, it includes information about organizational planning, audience analysis, professional guidelines and writing standards, evaluating and solving corporate communication problems, critical analyses of corporate communication cases, designing strategic corporate crisis communication programs, qualitative and quantitative research, design and layout of publications, and use of computers in publication and presentation. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: Completion of either 25.205 Understanding Social Influence or 25.215 Communication Theory, and completion of all core courses (25.103, 25.104, 25.207, 25.209, 25.220), or by permission of instructor. Students must have earned a minimum grade of C in 25.207 and 25.209.
25.425 Relational Communication (3) - Provides an in-depth analysis of theory and research relevant to close personal relationships. Students will explore contemporary research on issues germane to developing and escalating relationships, maintaining fair and satisfying relationships, and coping with relationship challenges. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: Completion of either 25.205 Understanding Social Influence or 25.215 Communication Theory, and completion of all core courses (25.103, 25.104, 25.207, 25.209, 25.220), or by permission of instructor. Students must have earned a minimum grade of C in 25.207 and 25.209.
25.426 Leadership and Team Building (3) - Provides an intensive survey of theory and research pertaining to working in small task groups. The course includes a focus on practical knowledge required to become a productive participant and leader in small group contexts. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: Completion of either 25.205 Understanding Social Influence or 25.215 Communication Theory, and completion of all core courses (25.103, 25.104, 25.207, 25.209, 25.220), or by permission of instructor. Students must earn a minimum grade of C in 25.207 and 25.209.
25.427 Strategic Communication (3) - Invites students to explore the forms and practices of strategic communication and their influence on contemporary global society. Course participants will learn to plan, develop, and manage effective strategic communication plans for corporations, NGOs, or government agencies. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: Completion of either 25.205 Understanding Social Influence or 25.215 Communication Theory, and completion of all core courses (25.103, 25.104, 25.207, 25.209, 25.220), or by permission of instructor. Students must have earned a minimum grade of C in 25.207 and 209.
25.470 Independent Study (1-3) - Provides for individual work and study in one of the areas of rhetoric and communication. Student finds a faculty sponsor, prepares a written proposal that requires departmental recommendation and the dean's approval, arranged through the chairperson. See section on Independent Study.
25.492 Special Topics in Organizational Communication (3) - Explores a particular area of emphasis in the Organizational Communication area of Communication Studies. The area specified will be determined by the professor of record. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: Completion of either 25.205 Understanding Social Influence or 25.215 Communication Theory, and completion of all core courses (25.103, 25.104, 25.207, 25.209, 25.220), or by permission of instructor. Students must have earned a minimum grade of C in 25.207 and 25.209.
25.493 Special Topics in Interpersonal Communication (3) - Explores a particular area of emphasis in the Interpersonal Communication track of Communication Studies. The area specified will be determined by the professor. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week Prerequisites: Completion of either 25.205 Understanding Social Influence or 25.215 Communication Theory, and completion of all core courses (25.103, 25.104, 25.207, 25.209, 25.220), or by permission of instructor. Students must have earned a minimum grade of C in 25.207 and 25.209.
25.494 Advanced Studies in Communication: Diversity Focus (3) - Investigates significant aspects of communications studies. Topics are approved as diversity courses. Consult the schedule booklet or the listed instructor for further information. This course is approved as a Diversity General Education Course/This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: 25.103 or 25.104; at least one of 25.205, 25.210, 25.215 or permission of the instructor.
25.495 Special Topics in Leadership and Public Advocacy (3) - Explores special topics in the Leadership and Public Advocacy track. Topics vary by semester. Examples include: Persuasion and American Cinema, Rhetoric and Identity Politics, and Political Communication. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week Prerequisites: Completion of either 25.205 Understanding Social Influence or 25.215 Communication Theory, and completion of all core courses (25.103, 25.104, 25.207, 25.209, 25.220), or by permission of instructor. Students must have earned a minimum grade of C in 25.207 and 25.209.
25.497 Internship in Communication (3-9) - Integrates classroom experience with practical work experience in industrial, business or government work settings. Students must establish academic integrity of their proposed experience and its relevance to coursework in the major. Contact departmental internship coordinator to obtain detailed information and forms.