Bloomsburg University Academic Programs
Academic Catalog

Air Force ROTC (61)

61.110 Foundations of The USAF I (Fall) (1) - Introduction to the background, missions, and functions of US military forces, with emphasis on US. Air Force organization, command structure and the mission and organization of various major commands. Development of individual communications skills. One hour lecture per week.

61.120 Foundations of The USAF II (Spring) (1) - Introduction to USAF professions, geopolitics, US defense policy/strategy, US. general purpose military forces, insurgency/counter-insurgency, aerospace support forces and organization of other military services. Development of individual communications skills. One hour lecture per week.

61.150 Leadership Laboratory (0) - Involves a progression of experience designed to develop each student's leadership potential in a supervised training laboratory. Examines US Air Force customs and courtesies, drill and ceremonies, career opportunities, life and work of an Air Force company grade officer.

61.151 Leadership Laboratory - (0) - Involves a progression of experience designed to develop each student's leadership potential in a supervised training laboratory. Examines US Air Force customs and courtesies, drill and ceremonies, career opportunities, life and work of an Air Force company grade officer.

61.210 Evolution of USAF Air And Space Power I (Fall) (1) - A study of air power development in historical perspective through the end of World War II; including the evolution of missions, concepts, doctrine, and force employment, with emphasis on changes in conflict and factors which have prompted technological developments. Development of individual communications skills. One hour lecture per week. Prerequisites: 61.120.

61.220 Evolution of USAF Air And Space Power II (Spring) (1) - A study of traits of effective leaders and followers coupled with characteristics and values important to the US Air Force. Definition, history and basic concepts of Total Quality Management (TQM) principles used in the Air Force. Application of oral presentation skills. One hour lecture per week. Prerequisite: 61.210 or permission of instructor. AFROTC Field Training.

61.240 AFROTC Field Training (4-Weeks) (Summer) (3) - Intensive study of military education, experience in leadership and management at an active duty installation. Also training in marksmanship, survival, and athletics. Prerequisite: AS 101, 102, 201, 202; an interview by Professor of Aerospace Studies and other military requirements.

61.250 AFROTC Field Training (6-Weeks) (Summer) (3) - Intensive study of military education, experience in leadership and management at an active duty installation. Also training in marksmanship, survival, and athletics. Prerequisite: Interview by Professor of Aerospace Studies and other military requirements.

Professional officer Course - The Professional officer Course (POC) constitutes a four-semester program, normally taken during the junior and senior years, leading to commissioning as a US Air Force officer. The POC concentrates on concepts and practices of management and leadership, national defense policy, and communicative skills.

61.310 Air Force Leadership Studies I (Fall) (3) - General theory and practice of management with special reference to the US Air Force. Covers evolution of management thought, including classical, behavioral, and management science schools; policy formulation, principles and practices in planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling business and Air Force activities; resource control techniques; social and ethical issues within the management process; development of communicative skills and Total Quality Management (TQM) principles. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: AFROTC approved membership in the POC or permission of instructor. Prerequisites: 61.240.

61.320 Air Force Leadership Studies II (Spring) (3) - Quality leadership tools and theory: practical experience in influencing people, individually and in groups, to accomplish organizational missions effectively; development of communications skills. Course is Writing Intensive. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 61.310 or permission of instructor.

61.410 National Security Affairs/Preparation For Active Duty I (Fall) (3) - The role and functions of the professional military officer in a democratic society and civil-military interaction; basic framework of defense policy and formulation of defense strategy; the impact of East Asia, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and the Commonwealth of Independent States on US. national security policy. Development of individual communications skills. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: AFROTC approved membership in the POC or permission of instructor. Prerequisites: 61.320.

61.420 National Security Affairs/Preparation For Active Duty II (Spring) (3) - The problems of developing defense strategy in a rapidly changing technological environment; effective deterrent posture and management of conflict; dynamics and agencies of defense policy making. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 61.410 or permission of instructor.