Administered by Department of Exceptionality Programs
Effective Fall, 2007
70.101 Introduction to Exceptional Individuals (3) - Reviews all major areas of exceptionality (visually impairments, mental retardation, hearing impairments, communication disorders, behavior disorders, learning disabilities) and acquaints the student with social, sociological, psychological, medical, historical, legal, economic and professional aspects of these conditions. Reviews current research and the latest techniques for facilitating meaningful interactions with these individuals. Three hours lecture per week. This course is approved as a Diversity General Education Course.
70.202 Technology for Exceptionalities (3) - Provides the special education major with an introduction to technology as it is being applied to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities and special education teachers. Computers, as well as other technological devices, are studied in relation to use as prosthetics, instructional tools, administrative tools and environmental interfaces. Three hours lecture per week.
70.206 Introduction to Early Intervention (3) - An overview of the field of early intervention (EI), including historical perspectives, philosophies of EI, influences of disabilities on the development of young children, early intervention models and intervention strategies. Three hours lecture per week.
70.240 Foundations of Special Education (3) - An introduction to the history, causes and characteristics of mental retardation, physical disabilities and learning disabilities. A presentation of diagnostic materials and techniques as well as various approaches, programs and services will be given. Three hours lecture per week.
70.250 Behavior Intervention and Support (3) - Provides techniques and strategies that may be used to support the behavior of students with disabilities. Covers psychological disorders, research related to aggressive and withdrawn behavior and techniques and materials used in social curriculum. Examines group and individual problems at all school levels. Three hours lecture per week.
70.340 Educating Individuals with Moderate/Severe Disabilities (3) - The course presents an orientation to the nature and needs of educating individuals with moderate and severe disabilities. Theory and techniques for individual assessment, curriculum development and instructional strategies are provided. Content will focus on the dynamics of including students into the home, school and community. The course will provide students with an opportunity to apply knowledge through a field-based experience. Three hours lecture per week.
70.353 Assessment and Planning (3) - Provides information and experience with formal and informal assessment devices and procedures, their usages and appropriateness. Covers gathering information about the learner prior to instruction concerning appropriate instructional tasks, sensory channels, interest areas and social skills. Covers ways of developing informal assessments, gathering observational information, storing information and planning for instruction. Three hours lecture per week.
70.357 Vocational Programming (3) - Develop a philosophy of vocational education for individuals with disabilities, acquire knowledge of programs and strategies to develop students' prevocational and vocational skills, learn information about and gain experience with curriculum materials and assessment procedures and develop strategies in transition planning. Three hours lecture per week.
70.375 Individual Project (1-3) - Project planned according to interests and needs of the individual student, in any of the following suggested areas: library research, curriculum study or internship in special aspects of educational programs.
70.401 Student Teaching With Exceptional Individuals (12) - Provides opportunities for each student to test and experiment with educational theory. The student teaching program requires one full semester to complete. Two assignments of eight to nine weeks are required. These assignments include two different exceptionalities, if possible, and two different chronological age groups. Placements may be in full-time, part-time or inclusionary settings. Students are responsible to perform in the following areas: diagnosing, planning, teaching, evaluating pupils' progress and clerical tasks. The student will systematically assume the role of the cooperating teacher. Prerequisite: Concurrent with 70.461.
70.407 Family-Centered and Inclusive Practices in Early Intervention (3) - Provides students with information, strategies and practical application of best practices in early intervention, specifically with regard to family-centered practices, communication and collaboration, observation and assessment, inclusion and adaptations. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 70.206.
70.408 Experiences in Early Intervention (1-6) - Provides students with the opportunity to apply theory, best practices and knowledge in early intervention environments with identified families and children, ages birth-6, with disabilities. Prerequisites: 70.206, 70.407.
70.410 Autism Spectrum Disorders Seminar (3) - Presents an overview of characteristics and interventions relevant to educating individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Key aspects of background, personal and educational characteristics of individuals with ASD, personal parent perspectives, assessment practices and comparison of research and non-researched based interventions will be highlighted. Three hours lecture per week.
70.433 Language Arts for Students with Special Needs (3) - Provides preservice teachers with a comprehensive overview of skills, assessment and strategies for teaching listening, speaking, reading and written expression. Students will prepare a portfolio of resources and best practices for teaching language arts to students with special needs. Three hours lecture per week.
70.450 Elementary Methods for Individuals with Mild Disabilities (3) - Provides a summary of the learning characteristics and instructional needs of students with mild disabilities. Learning theory, effective teaching strategies, classroom management and interaction with parents, paraprofessionals and professionals will be discussed. Three hours lecture per week.
70.451 Secondary Methods for Individuals with Mild Disabilities (3) - Familiarizes students with a variety of instructional techniques used to enhance the learning process of individuals with disabilities at the secondary level. Covers information pertaining to current issues in secondary special education and their impact on service delivery. Three hours lecture per week.
70.461 Problems in Special Education (3) - Presents instruction in the development of effective teaching individuals with exceptionalities. Focuses on problems in the education of this population. Discusses its relationship to teaching as each problem is defined. Helps the future teacher meet practical problems in guiding the individual with exceptionalities in learning experiences at school. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: Concurrent with 70.401.
70.496/70.497/70.498 Special Workshop I, II, III (1-6) - Temporary special workshop seminars designed to focus on contemporary trends and problems in the field of special education. Lecturers, resource speakers, team teaching, field experience and practicum, new media technology-related techniques are utilized. Workshops usually are funded projects.
70.501 Administration and Supervision in Special Education (3) - This course presents an examination of the functions and responsibilities of the Administrator of Special Education. This includes functions in the areas of leadership, guidance, control, direction and management of special education programs and services within educational organizations. Understanding administrative theory and its application to current issues within the domain of special education will provide a framework for this course. School law, teacher recruitment, professional development, organization and integration of special education and ancillary services, evaluation of instruction, public relations and special education finance will be addressed. Three hours lecture per week.
70.502 Principles of Special Education Law (3) - Will provide an overview of the legal foundation of special education programs and services within the context of general school law. The practical application of federal and state mandates for educating student with disabilities, as well as relevant case law, will be highlighted. The provision of current core knowledge relating to special education legal requirements and strategies for organizational compliance will be addressed. Three hours lecture per week.
70.503 Curricular Design and Instruction for Inclusive Education (3) - This course presents an overview of program and curricular design with an emphasis on standards-based models used in providing access to the general education for all students. Within the context of this course, a unified system of education will be examined from a structural perspective an inclusive education practices will be analyzed based on effective school models, collaborative processes and strategies for making students with disabilities within the general education classroom. Differentiated instruction will be explored including developing learning profiles, understanding content, process and product differentiation, and using strategies for differentiating instruction. Three hours lecture per week.
70.506 Introduction to Early Intervention (3) - Presents an overview of the field of early intervention, including historical perspectives, philosophies of early intervention, influences of disabilities on the development of young children and early intervention models. Three hours lecture per week.
70.507 Family-Centered and Inclusive Practices in Early Intervention (3) - Provides students with information, strategies and practical application of best practices in early intervention, specifically with regard to family-centered practices, communication and collaboration, observation and assessment, inclusion and adaptations. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 70.506.
70.508 Experiences in Early Intervention (1-6) - Provides students with the opportunity to apply theory, best practices and knowledge in early intervention environments with identified families and children, ages birth-6, with disabilities. Prerequisites: 70.506, 70.507.
70.509 Student Teaching - Graduate Level (10) - Provides opportunities for each student to test and experiment with educational theory. The student teaching program requires one full semester to complete. Two assignments of eight to nine weeks each are required. These assignments include students with exceptionalities and two different chronological age groups. Placements may be in full-time, part-time or inclusionary settings. Students are responsible for demonstrating competence in the following areas: professionalism, planning and preparation, instructional delivery, classroom environment, evaluating pupils' progress and clerical tasks. The student will systematically assume the role of the cooperating teacher. Prerequisite: concurrent with 70.561 Problems in Special Education.
70.510 Autism Spectrum Disorders Seminar (3) - Presents an overview of characteristics and interventions relevant to educating individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Key aspects of background, personal and educational characteristics of individuals with ASD, personal parent perspectives, assessment practices and comparison of research and non-researched based interventions will be highlighted. Three hours lecture per week.
70.516 Psychology of Exceptional Individuals (3) - Symptomatology, personality formation and developmental and therapeutic consideration for the individual with exceptionalities. Three hours lecture per week.
70.522 Mathematics for Special Needs Students (3) - Provides an overview of the concepts of hierarchy of skills, computation, and application of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, time, and measurement. Students will administer and interpret achievement, diagnostic and curriculum-based mathematics assessment. Emphasis on development of remedial math programs, adaptations of math curriculum for special needs students and design of a functional mathematics curriculum for students with moderate disabilities. Students evaluate, design, and implement a math program for elementary, middle school and/or secondary students based upon Pennsylvania academic standards for mathematics. Math education software, manipulatives, games, and materials will be evaluated and utilized. Three hours lecture per week.
70.526 Transition Services for Individuals with Special Needs (3) - Presents an overview of methodology and service structures that facilitate the successful transition from school to adult living for individuals with special needs. Examination of the key aspects of transition will be highlighted. Three hours lecture per week.
70.533 Language Arts for Students with Special Needs (3) - Provides preservice teachers with a comprehensive overview of skills, assessment, and strategies for teaching listening, speaking, reading, and written expression. A holistic philosophy for teaching language arts will be stressed. Students will prepare a portfolio of resources and "best practices" for teaching language arts to students with special needs. Three hours lecture per week.
70.540 Educating Individuals with Moderate/Severe Disabilities - (3) Presents an orientation to the nature and challenge of educating individuals with moderate/severe disabilities. Theory and techniques for individual assessment, curriculum development and instructional strategies are provided. Content focuses on the dynamics of integrating students into home, school and community environments. Provides students with an opportunity to apply knowledge through a field-based experience. Three hours lecture per week.
70.544 Diagnostic and Remedial Techniques (3) - Diagnostic and remedial techniques and instruments used with children in special education programs. Critical evaluation of applicability of each to the child in relation to causes and conditions of exceptionality. Development of skills in interpreting and writing case histories and reports, in selection and application of remedial techniques and evaluation of progress. Three hours lecture per week.
70.547 Technology and Exceptional Individuals (3) - Provides an introduction to technology as it is being applied to meet the needs of individuals with exceptionalities. Both simple and high technology solutions are explored as they relate to meeting the needs of individuals with mental, physical, sensory and communication disabilities. Topics include instructional tools and adaptations, environmental interfaces, prosthetics, as well as data and productivity tools. Three hours lecture per week.
70.550 Elementary Methods for Individuals with Mild Disabilities (3) - Provides students with an understanding of learning theory, classroom and behavior management and effective teaching strategies in a variety of curricular areas. Students will also discuss current issues dealing with the education of elementary students with mild disabilities. Strategies for interaction with parents and professionals will be covered. Three hours lecture per week.
70.551 Secondary Methods for Individuals with Mild Disabilities (3) - Familiarizes students with a variety of instructional techniques used to enhance the learning process of individuals with disabilities at the secondary level. Information pertaining to current issues in secondary special education and their impact on service delivery will also be discussed. Three hours lecture per week.
70.552 Special Project (3) - Designed to further a student's own interest and competency in an area of special education for the individual with exceptionalities. Library research or individual project involving service to the individual with exceptionalities may be agreed upon and conducted under supervision of a faculty member. Three hours lecture per week.
70.559 Seminar in Special Education (3) - Facilitates an in-depth study of the research pertaining to the fields of mental retardation and learning disabilities, including the study of psychosocial retardation and brain injury. Includes detailed study of behavioral and cognitive development of individuals with mental retardation and learning disabilities. Three hours lecture per week.
70.561 Problems in Special Education (3) - Presents instruction in the development of effective teaching individuals with exceptionalities. Focuses on problems in the education of this population. Discusses its relationship to teaching as each problem is defined. Helps the future teacher meet practical problems in guiding the individual with exceptionalities in learning experiences at school. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: Concurrent with 70.509.
70.565 Reading and Interpreting Research in Special Education (3) - Aids the student in reading, understanding, and evaluating the results of statistical and behavioral research carried out by others. Covers a working knowledge of basic statistical terms, an introduction to the type of research questions that can be answered by various statistical procedures, a knowledge of the basic steps of hypothesis testing, analysis and comparison of excellent and poor research designs, and the development of an ability to detect misuse of statistics. Three hours lecture per week.
70.566 Action Research in Education (3) - Presents an advanced consideration of the planning,
implementation and evaluation of applied, action research in education. Emphasizes action research techniques, IRB procedures and development of research questions, design, implementation, and evaluation. Requires written report of research and sharing of findings with appropriate members of the University and educational community. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: 70.565 or 79.591.
70.570 Foundations Behavior - Intervention and Support (3) - Covers characteristics of children with behavior disorders, approaches to remediation, general principles of classroom management, simulated problem solving, ideal academic models for children with behavior disorders, research findings, and sources of information. Three hours lecture per week.
70.572 Seminar Behavior Intervention and Support (3) - Seminar group composed of those who wish to read and discuss current material related to the area of behavior disorders. Group reads new research and discusses implications for applications, as well as future directions, moral issues, and more advanced systems of management and instruction. Three hours lecture per week.
70.575 Seminar in Current Issues in Special Education (3) - Will provide students with a forum to review and analyze current trends and issues in special education. The content of the course will change as current trends and issues emerge. Three hours lecture per week.
70.591 Practicum in Special Education (3) - Graduate experience for students in a setting with individuals with exceptionalities. Student spends a minimum of eight hours per week in practicum and meets regularly in a seminar fashion with the university instructor. Three hours lecture per week.
70.595 Internship (3-6) - Internship in special education. Supervision to take place in schools or educational situations under supervision of the local supervisor and graduate faculty.
70.596, 597, 598 Special Workshop I (1-6) - Temporary special workshop seminars designed to focus on contemporary trends, topics, and problems in the field of special education. Lecturers, resource speakers, team teaching, field experience and practicum, new media, and related techniques. Usually workshops are funded projects.