Bloomsburg University Academic Programs
Academic Catalog

Mass Communications - MSC (27)

Administered by Department of Mass Communications

Effective Fall, 2006

Note: Prerequisites may be waived by an instructor subject to the concurrence of the departmental chairperson.

27.110 Mass Communications and the Popular Arts (3) - A comprehensive overview of mass communications and their relative impacts on society and culture. Covers magazines, newspapers, motion pictures, radio, television, public relations, advertising, ethical codes and media regulations. Three hours lecture per week.

27.230 Newswriting (3) - Concentrates on developing a style for writing news for daily newspapers with a focus on reporting spot news as well as news features. Students write against a deadline and complete other reporting assignments. An introduction to defamation and libel is included. Three hours lecture per week.

27.241 On-Line Journalism (3) - Introduces the student to the evolving world of on-line journalism, allowing students to write stories and post them on their own websites, which they create and manage. In addition, students maintain weblogs and develop their own blogs. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 27.230.

27.251 PR: Theory and Practice (3) - An introduction to the development, principles, theories and practice of public relations as a social and organizational implement. Looks briefly at the communication process, publicity, community relations and public affairs practice. Three hours lecture per week.

27.261 Principles of Advertising (3) - Introduces students to the basic objectives and procedures of advertising in a modern economy. Examines the variety of components and methods used to achieve specific objectives in advertising campaigns and the type of instruments used for advertising. Three hours lecture per week.

27.271 Video Production I (3) - Introduction to television production theory and practice and to television aesthetics. This course concentrates on the knowledge and physical use of technical requirements that operate the growing range of equipment needed to produce contemporary radio, television and video programs. Three hours lecture per week.

27.275 Cinema Appreciation (Fall) (3) - Examines film form, theory and criticism to bring about a better understanding and greater appreciation of the motion picture. Enhances the visual appreciation required in modern media. Three hours lecture per week. Approximately 15 films viewed.

27.297 Mass Communications Practicum (3) - Requires participation in film, television, radio or print productions in any of the sequences offered in the department or other departments on campus having similar needs relevant to mass communications. Three hours lecture per week.

27.310 Media Law and Ethics (3) - Surveys legal restraints that influence the nature and content of mass media messages and business practices. Covers historical developments, criminal libel, sedition, defamation, privacy, copyright, obscenity, shield law, freedom of information, free press-free trial, unique broadcast policies, advertising and antitrust problems. Includes discussion of ethical issues facing the media. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 27.230.

27.315 Social Foundations of Mass Communications (3) - An interdisciplinary study of the historical, philosophical, social, economic and legal foundations of American mass media as a base for study of contemporary mass media. Examines media from the perspective of journalists, owners, audience and government. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 27.110.

27.334 Editing (3) - Designed to improve writing for newspapers, magazines and brochures. Indicates particular types of styles most used; emphasizes good, tight copy in news stories; offers practice in headline writing and some elementary layout and design including photo editing. Suggests some defenses to possible defamation and libel problems for copy editors. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 27.230.

27.336 Video Editing (3) - Provides instruction in practices, theory and technology of video and audio editing. Includes both linear and non-linear editing techniques. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 27.271.

27.340 Feature Writing (3) - Outlines basic requirements for feature-type articles for newspapers and magazines. Studies various techniques used to gather information and to develop a range of feature articles. Includes practical work as well as the study and discussion of published articles and marketing strategies. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 27.230.

27.352 Publicity and Public Relations (3) - Comprehensive study of various publicity techniques used in public relations efforts of business, government and nonprofit organizations. Students prepare press releases, public service announcements, speeches, or other appropriate communication vehicles. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 27.251.

27.366 Design in Advertising (3) - Principles of advertising layout and design in print and broadcasting. Includes hands-on experience in layout, typography and paste-up in addition to theory. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 27.261.

27.367 Video Production II (3) - Provides instruction in acting and directing for television. Includes laboratory hours. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 27.336.

27.371 Broadcast Journalism (3) - Studies technical elements of broadcast writing, script formats and nondramatic material; provides opportunities to study, write and announce news, commercials and other broadcast material. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: 27.271, 27.230.

27.375 Broadcast Programming and Management (3) - Studies television and radio management and programming; examines each medium as a business and the elements of success or failure. Studies some basic economics of media and methods of handling this material as well as codes, laws and community interests. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: Junior standing.

27.390 Film and Video Production (3) - Reviews the basic processes of filmmaking in an introductory but comprehensive manner. Concentrates on making short silent films and requires laboratory hours and field work by arrangement. Students provide their own film stock for shooting and pay film processing costs. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 27.271.

27.398 Research Methods in Mass Communications - Introduces students to developing, encouraging, and deploying research in the practice and study of mass communications. While emphasizing empirical methodologies, qualitative methodologies (e.g. interviewing, focus groups, content analyses) will be examined. All students will review a core of research methods knowledge and skills, master survey and focus group skills. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 27.110.

27.435 Journalism Workshop: Special Topics (3) - Studies a variety of ethical and practical problems in journalism. Topics may vary each semester. May be repeated with different topics to a maximum of three seminars with approvals of adviser and chairperson. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 27.340.

27.440 Public Affairs Reporting (4) - An advanced reporting course on the role of public affairs in news reporting in mass media. Concentrates on a number of governmental "beats" most susceptible to news generation. Students learn basic abilities consistent with entry-level professional reporting requirements in public affairs coverage, including courts, police and government. Four hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 27.340.

27.446 Magazine Editing and Production (4) - Acquaints students with principles and techniques of magazine production including manuscript selection and editing, advertising, design, production, circulation, promotion and various business operations. Study of the nature of magazines as part of a mass communications system. Each semester students produce a community/regional consumer magazine. Four hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: 27.340.

27.455 Public Relations Cases and Problems (3) - A study of the use of publicity as a particular element of public relations. Examines specific publicity cases and requires practical hands-on production of written material. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 27.352.

27.466 Advertising Media and Campaigns (3) - Study of the use of advertising media, methods of selection and the skills and background required for media buying and traffic planning. Basic principles and applications of advertising research and campaign planning, preparation and presentation are taught in a problem-solving format. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 27.366.

27.478 Independent Study (1-3) - Provides for individual work and study in an area of mass communications concentration. Students find a faculty sponsor/adviser and prepare a written proposal, which must have departmental approval and approval of the dean, College of Arts and Sciences.

27.480 Telecommunications Workshop: Special Topics (3) - A practical workshop program in which telecommunications majors undertake specific instruction on the technical aspects of their major. Topics may change from semester to semester and students may be required to work on specific projects, such as telethons or television news, as part of their workshop programs. Workshops may be repeated provided topics change. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 27.367.

27.482 Mass Communications Seminar (3) - A seminar program that studies ethical and social problems resulting from the pervasiveness of new technologies. Topics may change from semester to semester. Students may repeat seminars, subject to a change in topic and with the approvals of the instructor and department chairperson. Three hours lecture per week.

27.485 RTF Authorship Theory and Practice (3) - A study of the construction of documentary and dramatic material in terms of telecommunications/film semiotics with an overall survey of production and business problems. A project course designed primarily for film, television and radio majors moving into mass communications production seminars. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 27.367.

27.497 Mass Communications Internship (3) - Open to junior and senior majors with a GPA of 2.75 in the major, although consideration will be given for other practical experience students may have. May include on-campus or off-campus study of a particular project arranged by the student, adviser and department chairperson. Interns are expected to have completed several of their basic specialist courses prior to applying for internships. Projects must be submitted in writing at least a month before the project is expected to begin and must be approved by the student's adviser and department chairperson. Special arrangements must be made for summer internships.

27.498 Senior Seminar (1) - Evaluates student progress toward a career in mass communications, especially in the development of a portfolio and job search skills. Focuses on developing necessary strategies to become successful in the job market. One hour lecture per week. Prerequisite: Senior Standing.