Administered by Department of Languages and Cultures
Effective Fall, 2007
10.100 Foundations of French Language and Culture (3) - Seeks to develop novice proficiency with emphasis on intercultural communication in the context of the Francophone world. Language laboratory activities required. Three hours lecture per week.
10.101 French I (3) - Seeks to develop the four language skills and acquaint students with elements of francophone culture. For students with no more than two years of French. Practice in the language laboratory required. Three hours lecture per week.
10.102 French II (3) - Continuation of 10.101. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 10.101 or equivalent.
10.203 French III (3) - Continuation of development of the four language skills. Emphasis on reading. Study of francophone culture. Practice in the language laboratory. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 10.102 or equivalent. This course is approved as a Diversity General Education Course.
10.204 French IV (Fall) (3) - Continuation of 10.203. Emphasis on culture and oral communication skills. Practice in the language laboratory. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 10.203 or equivalent. This course is approved as a Diversity General Education Course.
10.205 Applied Phonetics and Pronunciation (3) - Analyzes French sound system. Drills on pronunciation and intonation. Selections of prose, poetry and songs for imitation. Not offered every semester. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 10.102 or equivalent.
10.206 Structure of the French Language (3) - Thorough study of grammar and syntax and use of idioms through applied exercises. Introduction to French morphology. Not offered every semester. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 10.204 or equivalent.
10.207 Conversation: French Daily Life and Customs (3) - Prepared and free speaking activities about everyday life and customs in francophone countries. Not offered every semester. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 10.204 or equivalent or concurrently with 10.204 with consent of the chairperson.
10.211 Foundations of French Culture and Civilization (Fall) (3) - Reviews major developments of French culture from an historical point of view. Taught in English; knowledge of French unnecessary. Three hours lecture per week. Special projects for French majors. This course is approved as a Diversity General Education Course.
10.212 France Today (3) - Presents major aspects of life in France today. Taught in English; knowledge of French unnecessary. Special projects for French majors. Not offered every semester. Three hours lecture per week. This course is approved as a Diversity General Education Course.
10.281 - 10.289 Special Topics (1-3) - Provides knowledge and training in fields usually not covered in regular courses. Content determined by instructor and varies each time course is offered. Topics may include French for travelers, French gastronomy, Quebec culture. Not offered every semester.
10.290 French Studies Abroad (1-6) - Prerequisite: Minimum two semesters of French or equivalent or consent of the chairperson.
10.295 Art and Culture of France (3) - Provides a study-tour of France with attention to French art as seen in relation to its social and cultural environment. Visits to places of artistic and cultural interest in and around Paris and the provinces. Not offered every semester. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
10.309 Commercial French (3) - Acquisition of French business language and terminology in reading, writing and speaking. Includes cultural content of francophone culture. Provides an introduction to business correspondence. Three hours lecture per week. Not offered every semester. Prerequisite: 10.204 or equivalent.
10.331 Selected 20th Century Writers (Fall) (3) - Students study French for reading and cultural knowledge; selected modern works. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: 10.204 or equivalent.
10.333 French through Film (3) - Develops awareness of French and/or Francophone cultures while improving communication skills in French at the intermediate to advanced levels through viewing, discussion and analysis of important French and Francophone films. This course counts as a Group A, Humanities and The Arts General Education Requirements. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite:10.204.
10.401 Advanced French Language (3) - Presents a thorough review of phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Practical application in advanced speaking including activities with development of cultural proficiency. Three hours lecture per week. Not offered every semester. Prerequisite: 10.206 or consent of the chairperson.
10.402 Contemporary Issues in Francophone Media (3) - Presents further development of language fluency through discussion of current topics and issues selected from francophone newspapers and magazines. Three hours lecture per week. Not offered every semester. Prerequisite: 10.207 or equivalent.
10.409 Commercial French II (3) - Studies French business life aiming at preparing students for internships in business in France, Quebec or a branch of a French company in the U.S. Reviews business correspondence and cultural content. Three hours lecture per week. Not offered every semester. Prerequisite: 10.309.
10.422 Masterpieces of French Literature (3) - Studies the most significant writers and playwrights of France. Three hours lecture per week. Not offered every semester. Prerequisite: 10.206 or consent of the chairperson.
10.423 Black Francophone Writers and Culture (3) - Presents major aspects of life in Black francophone countries and major writers in those countries. Taught in French. Three hours lecture per week. Not offered every semester. Prerequisite: 10.204 or consent of the chairperson.
10.490 Independent Study in French (1-9) - Provides for individual study of a particular aspect of French civilization, language or literature under faculty supervision. Prerequisites: Consent of the instructor and the chairperson.