Bloomsburg University Academic Programs
Academic Catalog

Minor in Geosciences (Fall 2007)

Administered by Geography and Geosciences

Effective Fall, 2007

Core Requirements - All courses required

51.120 Physical Geology, 3 credits

51.121 Physical Geology Lab, 1 credit

51.130 Historical Geology, 3 credits

51.130 Historical Geology Lab, 1 credit

Minor Course Electives . 12 credits from the following courses:

51.261 Mineralogy, 4 credits

51.262 Petrology, 4 credits

51.265 Geomorphology, 4 credits

51.268 Earth Materials, 4 credits*

51.320 Remote Sensing of the Earth 3 credits

51.360 Introduction to Paleontology, 4 credits

51.368 Stratigraphy and Sedimentation, 4 credits**

51.369 Structural Geology, 4 credits

51.370 Surface Hydrology, 3 credits

51.420 Planetary Geology, 4 credits*

51.460 Aqueous Geochemistry, 4 credits

51.470 Groundwater Hydrology, 3 credits

51.480 Applied Geophysics, 4 credits

51.475 Independent Study I, 1.3 credits

* Denotes new courses added

** Denotes change in numbering for Stratigraphy and Sedimentation . separate pending request